
Clueless Dad

On our drive down to Maryland we see a license plate number STD-something something...:

Mom: Wow, how can they have a license plate number like that?
Dad (confused): What? Super Talented Dad??
(Sorry, if that wasn't funny, then I guess you had to be there. Also, you would have to know that my mom is usually more clueless about things while my dad is not.)

Today, I was looking at the weather report on TV, and they showed a map of the US with the weather conditions in different parts of the country. You know you travel too much/get too little sleep when your eyes are frantically searching the map and wondering which state you're in right now.


jamesvonkim said...

did you visit leuray caverns? (i think i just butchered the spelling to that) i always remember stopping at that place whenever going down to the DC/Maryland area. hehe.

statuskuo said...

oOo! lauray caverns! It's so beautiful there

cricket said...

are those the same as luray caverns? i been there too!

Angela said...

We've got three different spellings of the caverns here..

prisca* said...