

Today I discovered:

1- Student Rush > TKTS lines.
ie: $26 student rush to Spring Awakening; usher moves us up 7 rows from our ticket seats.

2- L-O-V-E
ie: <3ed singers/actors, <3ed music, <3ed orchestration, <3ed pit, <3ed leads, <3ed cast, <3ed THIS SHOW!

3- Failing/flailing moral compass??
ie: <3ed despite the: cursing, s-e-x, overall risque production!

4- Reemergence of my Starstrucked self
ie: scenario at stage door (A with extra high pitched voice)
A: (giggle giggle) Can I have your autograph??

K.R.: Sure! Where would you like me to sign?

A: (hysterical giggles and frantic flipping of Playbill) Umm I don't know! By your picture I guess! (more frantic flipping and nervous giggles) Sorry! I am a little starstruck! (giggle)

K.R.: (laughs good-naturedly) That's okay! Me too! Ha ha!

A: (more giggling) Can I take a picture with you too???


A: (wants to faint)

K.R.: Glad you enjoyed the show!

A: (highest pitch voice of the night) I DID YOU WERE GREAAT!

(A walks away trying to suppress another fit of giggling).

A: He rubbed my back! Twice! On my bare skin!! (GIGGLE GIGGLE GIGGLE)

Oye.. (I am) so embarassing.


Jennifer Wang said...

ohhh i wanted to go see spring awakening!!! who is k.r.? the cast is so cute!!

Angela said...

Haha! You would, Jen! I'll see it with you when I come back! We can do student rush! Save up $27 plus the train ticket and we'll go :)

Kyle Riabko. He played Melchior, the male lead. SO GOOD AND SO CUTE. The secondary lead was Karl from LOST!

mary said...

haha.. i'll go too!

prisca* said...

HAHAH, did u mention to michael the bare back rubbing? i'm sure you did. HAHAH... -.-

prisca* said...

oh yes, i agree, I WANNA COME TOO!!