
Wow. So the last time I read this blog was when Prema and Raj went to a concert back in August..



Our love is like a blade of grass, forever green and growing.

Happy holidays, guys!!


is smell important to you?

A bunch of (slightly kooky) studies are out there looking at how mate choice (love?) is influenced by scent. I refer mostly to the (in)famous studies involving women sniffing t-shirts worn by men for two consecutive nights (also known as the 'sweaty t-shirt experiment') and rating attractiveness.

From what I've read, the 'sweaty t-shirt' literature is in a bit of a bind, as their previous paradigms looking at femininity/masculinity in terms of facial features and symmetry has been put in question. One of the more established ideas though, is that females have more enticing odors during their ovulatory phase than when they're not ovulating (now you know when your prime is!!). A more recent focus is on major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs). Long story short, mates with very different MHCs produce offspring that have strong immune systems, something that would be strongly selected for in this evolutionary world that we live in.

These studies posit that we can detect these differences through olfaction, and that there is therefore an evolutionary and genetic basis for attraction.

Some (definitely kooky) companies have taken this a step further and now offer tests to say how good your genetic match is with your partner. For the singles out there, they even offer to set you up with someone who has good homology according to those genetic principles I've outlined.

I thought I'd share this with you because of Angela's post about soulmates. If you draw some wild conclusions, these studies do sort of support the notion of someone with a 100% match. Granted, it doesn't discount the fact that there might be more than one person out there, but the chances of more than one match would slim down significantly if you're looking for that 100%. On the other hand, if you're thinking straight up probabilities, then arguing for a single soul-mate opens up the possibility of having no soul mate.

ANYWAYS. What I MEAN to ask is...

What does smell mean to you?

Yes. This is the random crap I read in lab while my experiments are running. References follow; the first two are non-technical.



Buy Love



Yuletide Cheer!

Hallelujah! I finally got to catch up on everyone's contributions! That to me is worth blogging about. HAHA sorry for wasting everyones time with this. I have nothing worth blogging!
YAY for christmas parties and misteltoe. PS I'm wondering what I should make for my co workers. Do you all think truffles are ok? Suggestions welcome


I think you're craaaaaaazy

sooo even though I think meeting new people can be awkward sometimes (either BAD awkward or just funny awkward turtley), I miss MEETING NEW PEOPLE. here I am, in my room all week except for saturday and sunday mcat classes where my teacher finds the best possible ways to demonstrate at the best possible moments that i'm really dumb so it's not particularly memorable and I haven't had the opportunity to talk about any crazy stories. liiiiike oh I met this crazy lady the other day and she almost blah blah blah, look I can't even make a story up! my imagination has dissappeared! groaan.

sorry I wrote like super long run-on sentences in this entry but how can my grammar be good if I don't even talk to new people! oh actually, ha ha, I lied a little because I forgot that I went to church this weekend and met new people who thought I was a fob and were really surprised that I could speak English so I just shrugged and said, well um I guess the school system is pretty good here so my English isn't bad...ahahhaa lame.

meet anyone crazy recently?? :)


When you're below it, it's a cloud.

When you're going through it, it's fog. When you're above it, it's…something. I remember reading it at the information center at Mount Washington, but now I don't remember what it's called. But when you're flying above the clouds, not even 10 feet from the tips of the clouds, do you ever feel like you just want to leap out of the plane and see how it feels? I know they're just clumps of water droplets and I'd just fall right through, but it's so tempting to want to take a chance just to know how it feels like. To not care whether they would catch you or let you fall, not care about the consequence, the afterwards, the future, just for that moment of knowing what you've been wondering but were too afraid to take the chance to find out. That's the essential principle of living in the moment, isn't it? And that's why it's so hard to do.

Open Forum: Soulmates

- Do they exist?
- Does everyone have one?
- Can you "miss" your one?
- Can you have more than one?
- Does the idea of one or possibly multiple ones add value or devalue what there is between you and your person?
- Extra thoughts??

- finished student teaching: elementary and middle school general music and choruses
- MAY move up to wayne for six months to teach in Bergen County
- MAY try to work in the ghettos of New Brunswick
- MAY not have a job at all til Septemeber
- WILL give senior recital (piano- that's my instrument in case you didnt know) FRIDAY JANUARY 30 6PM - PLEASE COME HOME IF YOU CAN. i don't know how many friends will show :(


How gamer boys blog

We funky garden fresh types blog with comics, discussions and just random weirdness.

Gamer boys (e.g. Carlos and friends) blog by playing an online session of mafia.
Check it out. Carlos was the Master Decoy. And killed the first night. ahaha >.<

anyway. just thought it was an interesting....



this one is sad

this one is glorious

my inner romantic has died.



danielle thinks that this blog is dying but i'm here to singlehandedly rescue our funky garden fresh!! CPR style!

ok, now that i've breathed onto my laptop screen........

what are everyone's plans for Christmas break other than attending our parties per usual? :) let's get a mistletoe for the party this year! wait, Chris, did you have one hanging at the entrance of your basement? I vaguely remember this. we can get jen and will under it he he he.

oh oh and what is everyone's favorite holiday song.

ok is this entry too boring? I sound like a GRANDMOTHER. BAH.

Where is Everyone?

As i spam this blog with entries I ask ...


The fact that everyone doesn't seem to blog addictively probably means that everyone else has a life ...


Brick Walls.

Today, as I sit at work trying to access one of my systems for the past hour, I keep recieving this message.

Network Access Message: The page cannot be displayed
Technical Information (for Support personnel)
Error Code: 504 Proxy Timeout. The connection timed out. (10060)
IP Address:
Date: 11/21/2008 12:53:03 PM [GMT]
Server: ZAS1AL-0302.DHSNET.DS1.DHS
Source: proxy

WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It means no. You cannot go through. Do not pass. Xnay. Give up. Turn around. We don't like you. Go away. Bye.

Which brings me to brick walls.

"Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something."
-- Randy Pausch; Professor, Carnegie Mellon

So what am I going to do? I'm going to keep pressing that damn refresh button.


defrosting steak and mint tea

The following entry was not written by me, and the original author shall remain anonymous (although I'm pretty sure you guys can figure out who it is). I am impressed simply by the sheer length of the response...there's even a diagram too! Enjoy.


I feel like this blog is being neglected!

I'm like an old retired man. Here I am, sitting at my computer, waiting for my steak to defrost, sipping at a concoction of honey, mint, and earl grey, listening to Joshua Bell. On a weekend.

Can't play all the time I suppose. And with the weather...I'm making excuses. Anyways.

Danielle has charged me to answer a certain question. Since my loose tongue has put me into a bind, I owe it to her that I answer them all with thought and consideration.

Ha ha just kidding I'm gonna half-ass this shit.

Why do guys fall for who they fall for?

what we want

Ok so let's try and break this down. The first step is what do guys want--what is the goal?

I believe that our desires can be parsed out into three basic elements: the Physical, Emotional, and Social. Imagine a triangle then, with each element at a corner. If I've interpreted the factors correctly, then you should be able to place anyone inside this triangle, based on his/her basic desires.

I'm going to approach this cynically. The drive for most men is going to be based in the Physical. Most of us tend toward that corner, deflecting (or not) into Social and Emotional depending on the person. Of course, there are those of us who lean immediately toward the Social or Emotional, deflecting to the other two factors, but these characters are in the minority.

But I've been surprised from time to time by predominantly "Physical" people. Emotional needs seem to be a large factor as well, but it is difficult to have males speak emotions in a culture like ours. There's a dissociation between what a man wants and what a man says he wants, in part because of the standards and stereotypes inherent in so-called 'manliness.' Bollocks in my view. Bollocks especially when these images collapse when you actually get to know these people. If anything, the ostensibly predominant desire is the physical. One could propose a dual-layered sort of paradigm, where the primary layer is the Physical, and the secondary desires lay deeper. The 'real reason' as it were.

But then, saying 'real' is a gross oversimplification of an already oversimplified issue. The difference between the two triangles is mostly in presentation: we actively demonstrate and exemplify the first level triangle, while we are motivated (perhaps even unconsciously) by the second. That is, where we present one level, we sideline the other. More about these dynamics will be addressed in the second section.

Something that I should've done at the start--define the three factors. Physical is easiest--anything that demands a physical presence is physical. Tactile functions perhaps, and even on the lighter side of things, just having that person near you. Social is the visibility factor, and ties into the allure in being considered a duet as opposed to a one-person show. Emotional needs tie into attachment issues, and I believe can be fulfilled through presence-independent measures--IM, phone, etc. Obviously, these three factors also have significant interplay between them, but I would maintain that they can be labeled as individual entities, not entirely separate, but with a bit of a continuum between them--hence the triangle diagram.

Obviously I'm working on a lot of overgeneralizations, but I think some of the model holds true. The bit about girls though, is up to a lot of debate, and not in the scope of this address. What I should have done was drawn two triangles--one for those "ostensible" desires (the one above) and another for "underlying" desires (the one not shown).

predictions from this model:

A model is useless without predictions ;)

If Physical is such a big factor in a relationship, then subtracting it should eliminate desire. The test for this is the viability of a long distance relationship, where the only factors left are Social and Emotional factors. LDRs are famously difficult, and it takes a particularly dedicated couple to make one successful. But in my eyes, the only factor subtracted from an LDR is the physical. I suppose that to a lesser degree, Social factors are also subtracted. Nonetheless, LDRs need to make the shift from Physical to Emotional, putting significant stress on the typical male. And so you'll find, as I have, that most males view LDRs with a bit of skepticism (or in some cases, violent aversion). Females (correct me when I'm wrong), tend to view them with a bit more of an open mind, unless they've experienced failures in that regard before.

Assuming that this dual-layered scheme is true, and that there are further desires underneath Physical, then it would follow that the LDR can be overcome if the relationship is given time to shift toward this second level. Obviously, this shift is completely dependent on the couple, but the schematic and assumptions I make point to that direction.

There are other predictions, but listing them all would take forever. I leave that to you then :)

what we see

These next two parts are probably of more interest to you. The "falling for" situation depends as much on the woman as it does the desires of the man. In this section, I hope to address the interplay between man and woman.

I've seen strong confident men pushed to their knees by an innocuous woman. I've watched others abandon all reason, all rationality to be with 'her.' In some cases, the chase seems completely counter to what they've said they've wanted . Is this then a shift in a man's desires or is it a reflection of one's second, deeper triangle?

It seems to me that you can only answer the question using a combination of the two--that this woman must have had the potential to fulfill an internal desire thus shifting his external beliefs. How does this woman do such a thing?

(Preface: I am stripping away the issue of intentionality from these arguments. You can be good at this stuff and not intend to be. You can knowingly use these ideas or unknowingly use them. Neither is more or less effective than the other.)

Clever marketing. One must cater to both triangles. The operative word in that statement is "cater." Fulfilling a desire does exactly that--fulfills it. Promising to fulfill a desire is something else entirely--something much more powerful. This is how one exerts a certain power over another: through a succession of promises, each more desirable than the last, but none of them fulfilling.

The outline here seems to imply a lot of Physical, but it would be erroneous to push aside the Emotional and Social. Imagine the girl who plays to another's desire to bond, to exchange ideas and thoughts. Imagine another whose calm and easygoing demeanor makes her an ideal person to bring home and show your parents and friends. Both are significant and powerful desires, and can still be subject to a succession of promises, from intimations of emotional intimacy to dreams of that girl you can bring home.

I stand and respect the apparent power females can have over males. Exerted properly, we can find ourselves utterly incapacitated, mere shells of men. He collapses, finding himself in a situation where he only chases his base, second triangle desires. The more flexible, first triangle would is manipulated and changed as she sees fit, feeding back to the second, altering base desires with subtle interactions. While this is one way the machination operates, I would contend that it is perhaps more effective (or even easier) to play to both levels than just one.

But is the first triangle the only one subject to change? Partially so. I believe that the deeper level is only subject to long-term changes. These are desires that change as we mature, or even, as we experience heartbreak or joy. In any case, this change is gradual, where the first level triangle is slightly more fickle. I think second level changes is an essay unto itself. So I won't get into it here.


It's difficult to limit myself to this section since male-female interplay demands more than what's listed here. The only example I see is the male "thrill of the chase," where the thrill isn't in the fulfillment of desires but the gradual, stepwise function that follows promise after promise, hope after hope, in the pursuit of the possibility that all one's desires might be fulfilled. I would contend that it's the possibility of reaching the ideal that drives the chase. Contrast that with fulfillment, which ends the chase with a tangible experience short from the ideal (Plato's Forms if you're into that). In short, one chases because one hopes that this romance might actually be perfect.

when/where we see it

This section primarily concerns setting, but I'll also be relating it with the previous section.

As important as it is that these desires be catered to, circumstance is just as, or even more important than how one caters. Obviously, desires change over time. More interestingly, appeal and potential can be magnified depending on the context. A character met in a church would probably be interpreted differently from a character met in a club, even if this were the same character. The setting exaggerates the appeal in any one of the three categories, which can work to one's advantage or disadvantage.

At the heart of this issue is how a man defines his relationships. This process grows out of the nascent stages of any connection, where there's a matchup between what she has to offer and how these play into his two sets of desires. Again, the setting has a huge influence on what she has to offer. As that previous example demonstrated, meeting a friend's friend is immensely different from meeting someone on a blind date because of context. This friend may or may not be the same person, but the context alters the definition process, altering the potential for match ups with his desires. More often than not, setting takes precedent over person--the blind date will be seen in the context of desire fulfillment; the friend will be seen an improbable prospect. The exact influence on one's triangle though is probably still dependent on the characters at play.

Ancillary to this is is the natural shift in desires as one grows, separate from the definition process. We might consider a certain set of desires at one point of our lives, but this will naturally shift as our priorities grow.


Relationships can grow out of circumstance, and can be substantiated by circumstance. When at last circumstance is removed, so is the amplification of certain characteristics. If these characteristics do not coincide with the desires of the male, then the relationship will most likely fail. Attraction will be defined in large part by context.

the nutshell (and contentions and conclusions)

Why do guys fall for who they fall for? At the simplest level, we have the two-fold triangle, where guys seek to fulfill their desires, whatever they might be. Complicating this is how the woman markets herself, how she plays to certain desires, and how these things build. Further complicating this is how the context alters this relationship.

I feel like I'm not really answering the question, just providing a framework under which the question can be answered. The real meat of the issue lies within those two triangles--what desires do we men have. And that's an issue that would probably demand individual attention. As much as I can make generalizations, it would be wrong to do so. I've already done enough pointing out that a significant factor is the Physical.

I hope that one of the things that comes out in this is how applicable this might be to both sexes. You can speculate on that I guess. Another idea is how much power a woman can wield in a relationship. The framework here implies a system where men show their desires and women offer a response. Realize that in expressing desires, much of a man is exposed while a woman can remain a veritable mystery. The balance in this system is tilted to favor the woman--men are playing this game with their hands exposed (although Author agrees that whoever has feelings for the other first is the one that holds less power, regardless of gender). So while you play this game, it's useful to keep in mind how vulnerable the man is when he puts himself out there.

Yeah, let me say that again. How vulnerable a man is. The simplistic assumption is that males are unthinking, purely Physical creatures. I will grant you the idea that men may be primarily driven by that Physical corner, but assuming that we are unthinking and somehow simple is a poor representation of reality. There is complexity there, but we rarely take the time to articulate it. I hope I've done my part in articulating some of it here.

I also didn't directly address the issue of standards and ideals. I think both these ideas play into the first triangle, perhaps feeding back into the second. I suppose it is coldblooded to think that our standards are still a reflection of very basal desires, but I think there is evidence for this position.

Now I guess I could go on for another million pages talking about exceptions, but that's all I want to say for now.

I think my debt has been paid back Dani :P I didn't get to half ass it.

And this doesn't get out that I've written this. Please. This was my diversion to keep me from working this weekend. And a moment to exercise that other part of my brain. It worked very well.

Missing ...

YOU ALL! Where is everyone? Cannot wait until Thanksgiving!


Rosa sat so Martin could walk. Martin walked so Obama could run. Obama ran so our children could fly.

Take that you cousin marrying Virginians!



Dear Red States:

We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren't aware, that includes California , Hawaii , Oregon , Washington , Minnesota , Wisconsin, Michigan , Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California.

To sum up briefly: You get Texas , Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building . You get Dollywood. We get Apple, Intel, Cisco and Microsoft. You get WorldCom. We get Yale. You get Ole' Miss.

We get 85 percent of America 's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You
get Alabama . We get two-thirds of the tax revenue. You now get to make the red states pay their fair share.

Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms.

Please be aware that New California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your Evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their children’s caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq , and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire.

With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners) 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools plus Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.

With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia. We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy bastards believe you are people with higher morals then we lefties.

Finally, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.

Peace out,

Blue States


:D Birthday fun!

My first carved pumpkin!



something more serious

I guess I need to balance my last dicks entry with something more substantial.

I was wondering why you fall for who you fall for. And yes, I am addressing you lovely funky ladies. I think I have a good idea of why guys fall for whoever they do, but the female is a mystery to me. When all logic points to nice person 'x' and 'you' choose questionable person 'y,' I get confused.

I'm going to put forth a little hypothesis: that an uncouth, almost unforgivable sense of forwardness that you find in some questionable characters makes the coupling process more immediately desirable, or in a slightly more negative, blunter way to put things--easier. My assumption is that people will take the easier route, no matter their overall desires.

Now that I think about it, this paradigm holds true for boys. Some of us think that we have standards, but more often than not, we see those standards collapse in the face of an easier route. This isn't so much a theme as it is a motif I think. Perhaps we are the same. I think my flaw in this flow is that I tend to hold women to higher standards than men. In my twisted mind, it is strange when a female makes a bad choice, and expected when a male makes one. I'm a self-hater I think.

So what do you think? Agree/disagree? Can you say that you hold absolutely to standards, or is there propensity to take the more accessible path?

And if you're trying to, don't read into why I'm asking this. I'm happy with my life right now. It's just a common theme that I hear from other lives, and I wonder about it...



I just completed my application to teach in HK again! i'm so excited :)

if anyone has any connections in HK, please alert me! I am still looking for a whole-year type of thing to do next year :D

happiest place on earth

or at least in the northeast. I was going to post about how I went to Hershey Park on Sunday, got free chocolate, got rained on during the show about the history of Hershey's, and ate chocolate peanut butter ice cream (which is now officially my favorite flavor), but after the two video entries (which I can't see because my internet at the hotel sucks this week) and the love quote (which is almost always true), I don't think mine seems as exciting anymore. Although I also went to Fallingwater this weekend, and it looked so pretty with the autumn leaves changing. And I went to a talk about The Last Lecture with the co-author of the book, which left several audience members crying. Oh, and I got to see my sister.

And I'm still sick...

But chocolate! makes me happy.


"It's all about love.

We're either in love,
dreaming about love
recovering from it,
wishing for it or
reflecting on it."

--Michael Buble, singer

"It's all about dick.

first a serious post about when to stop. then something about ppd tests. unacceptable. it is my responsibility to lower the level of dialogue in this blog.

yeah i went there.


A 2nd Year's "Would you rather"

Tomorrow afternoon, in Lab B (the dungeon of DUCoM), I will inject a practice saline shot into my partner's arm, then I will administer a PPD test--assuming that my first shot is in the appropriate position and depth under the skin. Or maybe my partner will be brave and would rather go first.

It's funny, it's one of the most exciting things to learn--my first time giving anyone a shot! But it's also one of the more nerve wracking things too. I don't know whether I'm more afraid of giving the shots or being on the receiving end. :( You see, from what I hear, you can be of the lucky ones who leave the lab with just two wheals on your arm (one from saline, one from the actual Tb test). Or you can be among the misunderstood who look like drug abusers with 4 maybe even 5 wheals!

I'll let you know how it turns out >.<


How Much ...

Is Too Much?

Like, when do you know when to stop?

Seriously. When?

Don't worry guys, I'm not talking about drugs or anything like that. I just realized that I'm one of those OCD people that can never seem to let go.


Cold in NC

It's actually gotten pretty chilly in North Carolina, surprisingly. And the office is cold too. So I often find myself trying to keep warm by putting my hand near the laptop fan (it is not warm enough). Does anyone else do that? Or are you actually smart and put on a jacket or something?


Autobots ROLLOUT!

So no matter where I go, I seem to fall into the pattern of getting nicknames.

I hang out with a bunch of guys here and they picked our group name - Autobots. Yup, Transformers.

And guess who I ended up being?



LIVE: karen and I are currently on this UK site where an IT editor is blogging live about the new apple products at the convention. HAHA. nerdiest thing we've done in a while.



So in recent events, Raj and I had a sort of extended 3 yr anniversary. We both were concert virgins on tuesday(8/26) and emerged deflowered later that night. Cheap Trick wasn't bad, and I was suprised by how many people were singing along to Heart. Journey was amazing though ( apparently theyve changed band members a la Destiny's child style) the lead singer is this Flip dude with long hair who has a penchant from jumping up and down. I really liked him, though. Its nice to see someone who's so into their music and just doesnt even care! It was sort of like a huge party at times, sooo many cups of beer, weed, shirtless fat men ( ah so reminiscent of my frat party days!) drunken women falling over themselves. Raj and I abstained from the spirits, but I was high on life! I was so blown away, though. Hearing music live is amazing. I keep replaying "Lights" but I can't recapture the feeling =\ Anyhoo Thursday we went hiking. There's a trail in plainsboro preserve, it wasnt all that intense, but there was a beautiful lake. I felt like Pocahontas, all earthy and natural. This is not to say I didnt shave or smelled, I was just getting my zen on with nature. The frogs were soo cute! Then we saw Tropic Thunder (f-ing HILARIOUS) and dined at Old Bay. I got a tad drunk ( no judgements ! I havent been drunk in forever!) and rolled on home. So thats what's new! Here's what I did
The outlander
dragonfly in amber
The talisman ring
My Lady Madness
Double Standards
Inner Harbour
Sea Swept
Rising Tides
The life of Pi
New Moon
Shadow Prince
The Brides Bodyguard
A well pleasured lady
Duchess by Night
The Thorn Birds
Bachna Ae Haseeno
Tropic Thunder
Wall E
The Mummy 3
Dark Knight

and heres what I'm going to do
Break of Dawn
Chesapeake Blue
How I paid for college
Attack of the Theater People

ps Whats with this vampire craze? ! I keep seeing more and more vampire romances, posters and crap.


this blog exists?!

so in some recent conversations with people who contribute to this blog, both karen and I have realized that we forgot this blog exists! so today I had to catch up with weeeeeeks of past blogging haha. so hahahaas to the funny posts and woohooos to the happy posts and sighs to the emo posts! haha sorry, so lame.

all I want to say is, I miss hollywood videos. that store was cool. and they tore it away from me! I once promised myself that I'd never come back to edison unless they put HK supermarket and hollywood videos back. my threat didn't work! oh welll.


I think I'm in love

with French tennis players. They wouldn't leave the court until everyone who wanted an autograph got one. I am so glad I love Paris and French people now so that I can root for the French players. I used to think the French were all snooty and rude, but my vacation proved me wrong.

The landmarks in Paris were elaborately beautiful, Versailles was impressively huge, and there was a bit of serendipity throughout the two days I was in Paris. It was already 11:30 by the time we finished dinner one night (after a whole day jam-packed with walking around the city and trying to cram a week's worth of tourist attractions into one day) and almost decided against going to the Eiffel Tower, but we didn't travel all the way to France to not see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. By the time we got to the base of the Tower, it was nearly midnight and all of a sudden its lights started flashing, which we didn't expect to happen so late into the night, and an audible gasp came from the crowd around us.

The next day, we wanted to go to Place de la Concorde, where the Jardin des Tuileries, Champs-Elysees, and the Arc de Triomphe are, but when we got out of the metro station, it was all blocked off because the Tour de France was going through the same area right then. Which was really disappointing but gave us a chance to see the Sacre-Coeur Basilica where there was an amazing view of the city. When we finally when back down to the Arc de Triomphe area, the bikers and crowds left, but the Champs-Elysees was still blocked off to traffic, but not pedestrians, so that the cleaning crews could do their job. And how often can you say you walked down the middle of the Champs-Elysees, all the while taking the perfect picture of the Arc de Triomphe?

Also, my dad bought a bottle of absinthe, which was previously banned in many countries and was thought to cause hallucinations (and also rumored to be the reason Van Gogh cut off his ear), in Paris. He had no idea about its properties, except that it's 50 proof and that he thought the way absinthe should be served (with a sugar cube and water dripped over into a bit of absinthe) was cool. My sister and I warned him not to drink too much...and he said, "Why? It's only 50% alcohol." And we said, "No...50 proof doesn't work like that..."

bronx v2

Chris, I didn't understand half of what you said in that last post. But I do like to tell people that I have a friend who is pursuing a PhD in something brainy. Which you are, right? Neuroscience.. brainy - haha, get it, get it? Brain-y? :D

So, I start my first day of work tomorrow. Which is really frightening if you ask me.. For those who don't know, I was offered a position to be a 10th grade architecture/math teacher at Pablo Neruda Academy of Architecture and World Studies in the Bronx. It's a trek from my apartment in Brooklyn, but I'm excited about the prospect of infusing the two subjects and loves (?). It'll also be the first time in a long time that an architecture course will be in the school curriculum, so I'm especially nervous because I have no precedents to build off of. I have no idea what to expect, or what is expected of me.. But tomorrow is day one of a week curriculum planning. Hopefully, by September 2nd, I'll have something substantial to present on the first day of class.

Still, I never thought that I would be doing this, and I'm hoping that I can share with these high schoolers a little bit of what I know (though at this moment, I feel as though I don't have too much to offer!).. and maybe, something that might inspire them.

Happy belated birthday, Tammy! I hope you girls had a fantastic weekend. :)


tales from the front

Hi! Figured it's about my turn for an update.

So I'm pretty much settled down in the Bronx. Unfortunately, it's a short term kind of settled down--housing has me in a temporary studio share. What that means is that they reserve the right to tell me to pack my bags and move to my permanent locale. Whatevs. Life is still pretty good, and the rent (< $300 a month, utilities included) is quite sexy. Very sexy. Yeah.

I think I have fallen in with my own kind, here at Einstein. Nerds. Super nerds in the form of PhD candidates. I've been at a bunch of mixers now, and I have to say that the dedication to research these people have is almost frightening. We don't talk about the Olympics at our PhD parties. We don't talk about drinking. We rarely talk about the hot girl across the room.

We talk science. The dude across from me is explaining Bioinformatics as he chugs a beer. The fellow playing flip cup juggles red, party plastic and a conversation concerning cannulas and electrophysiological apparatus with equal deftness. Yet another cradles his head in his hands, whining about how he has to go back to lab in 10 minutes to "finish another run." Someone else extolls on the poor state of NIH funding in a country with a crunched budget. Awesome.

On the other side of the spectrum are the MDs, whom I've had the chance to hang out with as well. These people aren't nerds (sorry Tammy, Karen). They're people we're familiar with: driven, hardworking, generally younger, typically Asian...and they all have an uncanny love for happy juice. I like these people. Fun to party with for sure.

The MD/PhDs really bring out the best of both worlds. Nerds and partiers. Some express one allele more than the other, but all are pretty cool, diverse people.

Through it all, I think I have to point out one thing: my youth. People going to graduate/medical school straight out of college (like me) are definitely in the minority. And there are a bunch of people here with kids. There are even more that are married/engaged. Scary shit yo. Scary. Even if they're older than me, they're usually no more than 4 or 5 years older.

Shit. Should I be thinking marriage already?



I met Sam.


That is all.



How do you pronounce the word "werewolf"?

1 - WEERwolf [wir-ËŒwlf]

2 - WHEREwolf
[ˈwer- ,wlf]

Anxiously awaiting responses from EVERYBODY please, gracias.


fobby fresh!


I think I'm going through withdrawal. I miss all things Taiwan. I think that I'm going to be retiring there so I can have stinky tofu, bubble tea, and Meetfresh to my wrinkly heart's content. Gosh, I even miss hearing the garbage trucks blast F
ür Elise. Would anyone be open to cofounding a Funkygardenfresh senior citizen center in Taipei? :P

I have been entirely remiss in my blogging duties, but I plan to make up for it with pictures...at some point :P This summer has been one of the fastest everrr for me. And maybe it's seemed especially precious since every dean or teacher at school has warned us at least 23492808 times to savor this summer as it is the LAST SUMMER EVERRRRRR. Why does it sound so scary? :( It feels like every second wasted is one second of my LAST SUMMER EVER aka free life as I know it poof!ing. It's not nearly that dramatic I'm sure, but this year is super scary sounding already, not even taking into account that I have to look forward to boards come next spring :(

For now,I shall block those unpleasant thoughts and save my spaz-isode for later :P Let's play! If you are in Edison/have time :D

Hello all!

wow, i just read all the posts, back to when I left for HK. :) and left comments on nearly all of them. teehee.

Angela's back! i would like to give her a shoutout, along with a request to hang out. i oh-so-miss you guys.. all those in the area say AYE!

PS- this picture's dedicated to nancily. taken at the tsim tsa [?] bay.


JMraz Concert

I promise to write an entry about Paris/London later on...but does anyone want to go to a Jason Mraz concert on Friday, October 10 with me at Radio City Music Hall? I'd go with my sister, but she'll be in PITTSBURGH, so...please? Also, tickets are around $60 each.

I'm also sad that I can't move my sister into CMU next weekend (16-17th) because it'll probably end late on Sunday (plus a 6-hour drive home), and I'll have an early flight on Monday, so if anyone's in Edison that weekend...please don't leave me bored at home!!


12 pm NJ - 6pm Vienna



i have a dramatic life

the time: between 3:30 and 4:00 am

the scene: my temporary home in Bethlehem, shared by 3 or 4 other people, none of whom I know. darkness save for a dim beam of light from under a cloth curtain. a 'vornado' fan blows above my head--i sleep on the floor atop an air mattress i brought from home.

I blink. Once to get the sleep out of my eyes; again for good measure. I take in the room around me, and find that I'm awake earlier than I should be. Much earlier. I blink again in confusion.

Why the hell am I awake? Was it a bad dream? No. In fact it wasn't. It was quite a pleasant one--something involving a song by Hellogoodbye. "Here in your arms" is what it's called. The first verse does repeats in my head:

i like where we are
when we drive in your car
i like where we are--

And then I hear the most sinister sound. A voice. From my fucking fan.

"Mua ha ha ha ha."

I blink. What the fuck is this shit? I freeze for a second--confused, scared, and confused again. I make my appeal to logic, and draw myself a list of rationalizations to my poor situation:

1. My fan (that Felicia gave me) is possessed.
2. The angry bird gods have come to get some finch-related retribution on my ass.
3. The God of Abraham and friends has chosen me to free a certain group of enslaved peoples, choosing to appear as an infinitely blowing fan.
4. A friend related prank.
5. My fan is fucking possessed (someone's going to get punched in the face).

I run down my list, choosing to appeal to my more scientific nature and toss out my supernatural inclinations. Number 5 though, remains an appealing choice.

I roll off my bed and head for the light, wondering how any schmuck could pull this off. Not only are none of my friends (with access to this house) at Lehigh, but the way anybody could get access to this room (my door is locked) would be through the window, a feat that only I am retarded enough to attempt. I flip on the light.

And there it is. My fan floats in mid-air. Cushioned by rainbows and clouds of--

Just kidding. My room is as it was. And there's my fan, innocuously blowing hot air into my face, sitting next to those cheap cloth curtains. Then I realize that my curtains are shifting. I left the window open.

I step on over to the curtain, ready to smack the smart ass if he should appear. I pull the curtain open.

And there it is. A fugly-ass green faced fellow with warts on his hooked nose and tongue for teeth. He reaches--

Just kidding again. (Duhh). I pull the curtain open and see nothing but an open window. I look outside and see nothing out of the ordinary. Except for a car. A white car with the moonroof open. Are you freaking serious?

I quickly gather that the prank wasn't meant for me. I don't recognize the car; I don't recognize the people. I do recall that there is someone sleeping downstairs, alone on the sofa. As it so happens, that person sleeps right underneath the living room window. I assume that the shindig involved someone sticking his head out of the car, shouting, "Mua ha ha ha ha" toward said window. My open window just got caught in the crossfire.

I shut my window, annoyed. I woke up for this shit? Moreover: I bought "that shit." I'm more annoyed at myself for being scared than anything else.

And then I roll back into bed. But I can't sleep. The angry bird gods might still be out there. And that fucking fan. That possessed fucking fan...


Love is like a heat wave

So yesterday, I fell in love . . .

Emile de Beque is everything my old and new self could've ever wanted. Tall, dark, handsome and urbane. A free-thinking older Frenchman, who's rich and has the most amazing voice. What else could I want?

Too bad he's taken, and a fictional character on top of it. Such is the power of "South Pacific". Although I didnt get star struck like Angela, from wayy back in the theater, I sure felt like it.

There's a reason why this play was so famous, so go see it! If "Some Enchanted Evening" isn't enough, go see it to hang out with all the old people in the theater. I swear, I haven't been in the company of that many members of the AARP since I made my sister go watch Gone With the Wind at Loews.

One problem with seeing things with old people is that they just don't care! I was on the verge of elder abuse because this one woman kept singing along off key. Oh well, who can blame her, I felt young again, like when I was 11 and hormonal.


P.S. in real life, Paulo Szot is openly gay and Brazilian.
another one bites the dust . . .


Attractive People Have It Easier

Its true. My social psych teacher says so.

But even beyond that. I witnessed this today at work.

And I'm not just talking about the little harmless flirtations that get you the free drinks and stuff like that. I'm talking about luck.

So from the first day I'm in work, all I hear about is this guy called Sam. This is only my third day. Did you go there with Sam? Sam this, Sam that. Did you get invited by Sam to the happy hour? Is Sam going? Did you see Sam? Jenny says, he's good looking. Clinton (a guy) says he's an 8 out of 10. And I was like ... WHO IS SAM?

Finally, Clinton (who is Sam's officemate) tells me that Sam won the drawing for the 16 GB Apple itouch that was going on today - probably about 1000 people entered.

Say what. I am done hearing about Sam. I don't want to hear another thing about this guy.

And yet, I can't wait to meet this guy.

And I repeat, attractive people have it easier.


This is a day late
around 11:00 am 7/20 . . .
Prema sits by her computer constantly refreshing the pearsonvue page, hoping that she will see" click here to see your results" . Each time it says "your exam results are not avaliable at this time" she feelsa combinations of relief and dread. Finally, one last time, she hits control R and the magical word appears




Requested Insightful Post

Everything is so slow down here in NC that it takes about 15 minutes for them to make a sandwich and about 45 to make two rolls of sushi (though the sushi wasn't as bad as I thought it would be for a small town in the South). I don't know about you guys, but I'm used to things being a little quicker. Blame it for being in the city for four years, but I need to do everything quickly...or at least get from one place to another quickly. I walk like I'm 15 minutes late for something although I tend to arrive 15 minutes early. I don't understand why I rush...sometimes, while I'm rushing, I look at other people rushing and wonder why the world, and life, is such a blur when it shouldn't be.

The time right before something I'm looking forward to is about to happen, like this week right before I leave for London/Paris, is a horrible time because I'm half torn between feeling excited and the "I can't wait until Friday!" emotion and feeling like I want to slow time down so that my trip doesn't come so soon. Because I know that when Friday comes, the end of the trip will come just as quickly, and then I won't have a vacation to look forward to until next year.

So it feels like we're all just rushing from place to place, life event to event, and we're left to wonder what happens to all the time in between.

P.S. I just found out that my cell phone plan does not include text messages (although my sister's does...she texts a lot), so please restrain yourselves from texting me as I know it is tempting. Leave a voicemail instead!


morning after

so I took my exam today, and after studying nonstop, during my trip to canada, during my dates with raj, my summer finally begins, but it's halfway over! I dunno I feel odd. I was thinking after I left my exam, " Maybe I should study for the GREs"


Today I couldn't think of anything to bake, which ISNOT like me, and instead of craving to read a romance novel, I'm reading this 80's teen novel called "No Promises" But even though I feel halted and stuck somewhere, I really like reading about jen's dad and Madonna. Its so funny that you mentioned the idea of generations misinterpreting stuff or like not getting it. I was talking to my 13yr old cousin and I think I made le grande faux pas of mentioning Miley Cyrus. She clearly stated that none of her friends liked her and that she's for little kids. I found myself thinking, "does she mean 11 year olds?" . . . .

Sigh I too have made that sad jump into culture gap-land.

Pour votre viewing plaisir

I love the clothes on this cover. Everyone is so badly dressed in so many ways. yep, 80's was definitely my time



Today I discovered:

1- Student Rush > TKTS lines.
ie: $26 student rush to Spring Awakening; usher moves us up 7 rows from our ticket seats.

2- L-O-V-E
ie: <3ed singers/actors, <3ed music, <3ed orchestration, <3ed pit, <3ed leads, <3ed cast, <3ed THIS SHOW!

3- Failing/flailing moral compass??
ie: <3ed despite the: cursing, s-e-x, overall risque production!

4- Reemergence of my Starstrucked self
ie: scenario at stage door (A with extra high pitched voice)
A: (giggle giggle) Can I have your autograph??

K.R.: Sure! Where would you like me to sign?

A: (hysterical giggles and frantic flipping of Playbill) Umm I don't know! By your picture I guess! (more frantic flipping and nervous giggles) Sorry! I am a little starstruck! (giggle)

K.R.: (laughs good-naturedly) That's okay! Me too! Ha ha!

A: (more giggling) Can I take a picture with you too???


A: (wants to faint)

K.R.: Glad you enjoyed the show!

A: (highest pitch voice of the night) I DID YOU WERE GREAAT!

(A walks away trying to suppress another fit of giggling).

A: He rubbed my back! Twice! On my bare skin!! (GIGGLE GIGGLE GIGGLE)

Oye.. (I am) so embarassing.


hello funky friends


my asian excursion is slowly winding down to a close. i will be returning on friday. does anybody want to watch movies saturday morning? i've missed out on a lot--kinda wanna movie hop the whole day. batman, wallee, kungfu panda...all that stuff. who's with me!?

and my food blog is operational! hungrycricket.blogspot.com! stop by, leave a message!

and here's a picture of a fishhead.


hi everyone, hope you enjoy our girlish silliness, which xiao will be posting soon.

wish everyone could be here to have a goodbye party for xiaola, and a belated one in honor of our dearly departed will (side sniff) chang. darn all you who are away!

my dad has discovered the joy of frivolous shopping! and has unknowingly turned our living room into a tribute to sex, drugs and rock and roll! come over and check out our new lava lamp. i walked downstairs and found my dad staring into it with such an air of profundity, as if watching the mysteries of nature unfold. i don't have the heart to break it to him that the lava lamp is the symbol of hippie libertinage. just like how i'll never tell him about madonna's cone shaped bras and "erotica" days, as he has raised her to role model status after watching the mv for "don't tell me" (where she is a wholesome cowgirl). ah culture gaps. how weird is it thinking yourself the protector of your parents' innocence?
just watch. next time i'll come home and there will be an antique bong lying around somewhere that doubles beautifully as a vase.




First, the girl:

Then the quote ... circa 2000:

"Will Chang finkz I'm like I dunno cute or sumfin."

More to come.

As a side note - Jamez, MINICOOPER.


Clueless Dad

On our drive down to Maryland we see a license plate number STD-something something...:

Mom: Wow, how can they have a license plate number like that?
Dad (confused): What? Super Talented Dad??
(Sorry, if that wasn't funny, then I guess you had to be there. Also, you would have to know that my mom is usually more clueless about things while my dad is not.)

Today, I was looking at the weather report on TV, and they showed a map of the US with the weather conditions in different parts of the country. You know you travel too much/get too little sleep when your eyes are frantically searching the map and wondering which state you're in right now.


Old School - And I quote...


Heyhey Ang,

argh! I dun wanna study NEmore! Dis is so-stinky. I'm averaging like a "B-" in S.S. grr... I THINK. >:\ haha ~ I fell asleep 4 like 20 mins @ like 10:15 :P ah wellz... so sup? AIYA! Wen are we getting our skewl pix? JP is so - slow. ah wellz.

Ms. Maravek is a poopie-head. I can't stand her either, nd dis is meeh! Ugh ~ i wanna go back 2 Mrs. Wions! *sob!* nd it's so--unfair now R, V, nd them are in CHAMBER wen she like didnt even give da grls a chance! Ugh. u kno, u guyz shud actually TRY, really!...

Oh my how we've grown :) I find some really good stuff cleaning my room. Treasures, really. Among them, studio picture of me joyce vivian and mary in the 7th grade with me in my big fat glasses and braces and a check from xiao for $9.87 from 2006. Guess who wrote that note, above? Ha ha :)


Summer Reading Lists?

What have you guys been reading? Any suggestions?



Ohayou Gozaimasu!

Hey everybody! Guess who's posting from Japan? Buahahaha!!!

Hope you're all doing well, sorry I missed Danielle's party. Crazy number of posts this past week. I'd put up pictures except Felicia has commandeered the digital camera and I don't want to go wheedle it out of her. By the way, I'll be opening up a food blog in the coming weeks with all the strange delicacies I've sampled. Two words: chicken sashimi. I'll keep you updated on that.

Thanks so much Karen and Jen for taking care of my animals! Kkuo--Kiki is a pensive chinchilla and is prone to snooping on your computer meanderings. She'll tell me all about the nasty porn you've looked at when I get back. By the way, it was Kiki's 5th birthday yesterday. That's 35 in human years hahaha. Jwang--don't worry about the bird. As long as there's food somewhere in the cage, she'll survive. Oh and try squeaking at her. She'll squeak back. It's kinda cute.

Hey I've also just committed to Albert Einstein for their PhD program, so it's gonna be the Bronx for me for the next 4 (or more) years. Imma be a scientist! And maybe a medical scientist if things pan out that way...

Okey dokey that's enough out of me.



I cry at weddings

but only because I see everyone else crying! Anyway, my cousin's wedding on Sunday was really beautiful, and I could understand why parents and family members cry because it's a bittersweet thing to see your daughter/sister/etc. grow up and start her own family. Even my 19-year-old carefree guy cousin cried a lot more than I would ever have expected for his sister.

On a related note, I saw this article on msn.com: "Why Guys Marry Some Girls (but Not Others)" In summary, the 5 "Tie-the-Knot-Traits" are:

  • She's Exciting and Always Evolving

  • She Really, Really Loves Sex

  • She Makes It Clear He's Not Her Entire Life

  • ...Yet She Still Conveys How Very Important He Is to Her

  • She Wants Him to Be the Best Man He Can Be
Keep that in mind, girls! Meanwhile, I have to work on not being boring.

i loooove this song. rilo kiley- dreamworld. jenny lewis, the girl, with the hat, is really cool.

this is MGMT. i like their music, but not sure if i like them. too hippie. but the guy on the right, is so beautiful. TOO beautiful. and what do you do when a man is more beautiful than you, ladies? that's right, you FIND ANOTHER MAN!



I missed another of danielle's fabulous party and a chance to see everyone but I'm going to be back in edison tomorrow! promise I'll see all of you soon. even if it's only until friday.

in another one of our busy walking days in boston, dominique and I went to the MFA today to see garcia's exhibit -- amaaazing and it happened to be free today, which never happens. Yes, in truth, I came to boston to see his exhibit. ahahahaa.

and then we walked from MIT to Harvard, which according to dom, is only 20 minutes but ended up being more like 75 minutes. holy cow.

yesterday we walked straight into a movie set downtown for something called "The surrogates." A bunch of fake crashed cars and dead bodies and some other people around us were gasping because they thought it was a real car crash but I just snapped a bunch of pictures until the set people said no pictures allowed so I just snapped one more and then ran away. hooray!

Nonsense to fill up the page

Firstly, thanks to the Wongs, inc. for having a fab party. I was sleepy but now I can't sleep. Go figure. Any how, what sparked my interest was how odd it felt to be surrounded by high schoolers. As I was putting on my clothes, I knew you guys wouldn't care but then I thought, what if her sister's friends think I'm fobby? How completely ridiculous and sad, to think that I for a moment considered their opinion of me. Isn't it crazy what can somehow kind of get to us after all this time? Here we are four years later, wiser or whatever you want to call it, but in the midst of teenage blood we/I somehow felt unsure. It must be hormones I'm convinced they must be airborne. But in any case, I'm not sure about others because I'm terrible with keeping in touch, but 18-21 (years of age) helped me *finally* not feel like an ass in everything I wore/did. I can't help but HATE the idea of all t hat work being threatened, I mean we spend this time living away only ( for some) to return to the same situation we left! How to keep from regressing, from letting old issues come up? UGH Sorry for a lame ass- xanga esque inaugural post!


hi everyone! what's up.....? i feel like you guys have really TURNED IT UP, as Lil' Mama would say, in terms of fancy, adult language. but a good old "what's up" still seemed appropriate!

so. what's up?! nm here. just stuck at home, trying to maintain some sense of hope and awe in a situation with great depressive potential-- JOBHUNTING!

chris your bird kept flying around like crazy today and squawking. i was too scared to stick my hand in there to give it food, so i just poured it through the cage and watched a lot of it spray onto the newspaper. sorry!!


well reading and watching movies and seeing friends makes the time pass by gloriously. i watched "reality bites" yesterday. it was GREAT! it's about.. us! pretty much. post college life, trying to figure out if we really understand and would live by what we've been extolling as ideals (anticonsumerism, antiestablishment-ism[?]) now that we can't sit around dreaming all day, or if we're just totally overdramatic and should suck it up and go to work, like most everyone else before us have done. ugh. cuz it's like. you can't dream up groceries! or AC! or money to pay for car accidents! but the longer you stay out of the system, with a safety net in place (as i'm sure most of our parents would graciously give while they still can) to catch you, the more wonderful it seems to just live, and love, and work on your own terms at something you are just in gaping awe of. but also, to each his own. maybe i'm just doomed to act like the youngest child forever.

my dad's company took a $100 million budget cut-- bc the gov't needs the money to keep fighting in Iraq. he works for a defense contracter. i started thinking about living in a box, living out of my car, finding places to shower, but also, not needing to pay property tax and bills while living in a box or car and how awesome that would be. and how a home is really just a place to store all your stuff so who cares how it looks! but they didn't lay him off.. what a relief. sometimes though, don't you guys imagine yourselves in the worst case scenario, just to convince yourselves that it won't be so bad. to cushion the hypothetical fall? but then again, i'm sure i also glamorize street life. ain't no happy hippy trip! just watch City of God. shrug. if you guys have read this kerouac book, "tristessa", wouldn't it be happy and nice having a small windowed room in a junkie lady's house-- as long as the gangster and addicts and prostitutes stay out of your business and don't involve you in theirs? ok.. maybe.. yeah.. unrealistic! i know. :]

anyways, now i am going to watch "closer" and read some fun stuff. i will leave you all with this. never fails to make me smile.



meep meeeeeeep

I wish I had a post as brilliant as Angela's have been, but all I have to offer is some youtube video involving muppets and Danny Boy.

In unrelated news, I would like to hang out with you (perchance a fooding, a feeding, a commune to satiate the alimentary tubes) before I scuttle off to the land of the rising sun. Just not Chili's.


Save Water

"I'm going to the gym to shower. Everyone in our family is to go to the gym every day from now on. To use the shower. Our water bill is too high."

- Mama Wu (in Chinese)



angela's posts are creepy and ADD-like.

MORE MORE MORE! keep stalking people and posting about it!


Creepo in a Coffeshop

Studying at Panera:

First I sat by these two old men - one Chinese and one Caucasian - talking super loud about politics, china, the earthquake, Olympics, gas prices, corruption of power, etc. Very interesting but way too distracting. At one point the Caucasian man said that the good thing about the earthquake is now they are investigating contractors who paid off the inspectors and didnt build sound structures for the schools, and how the good thing about China is that they will now be executed. But would that happen in the US? No, but it should. LOL oh myy.

Moved and now! I'm sitting by this old man and woman who met on an online dating service!! Haha! So super cute. They talked about the arts and some politics, lifestyles, interests, history, and now are talking about how cute each other's pictures were on line and how accurate they are in real life. Haha! I hope they don't think I'm a creep. Every so often something cute happens and I giggle quietly to myself into my music history notes. Sigh!

I am not kidding okay! I told Jen and Vicki about that old lady and man friend couple and then shortly after I saw him and got worried that he heard. And shortly after that, aka right NOW, I see him sit down at a booth across from me with ANOTHER LADY FRIEND! This new one is wearing a dress with a low cut back and pretty sandals that match in color. I don't know - he might like her better based on fashion and aesthetics. But, he did spend 2 and a half hours talking to the other one and he was so comfortable with her that he had his shoes off the entire time. I looked over just now and noticed that he also is not smiling nearly as much at all! (All this I gathered while reading about music in the Middle Ages).

I admit it - I AM the creepo in a coffeeshop - yikes




I'm the only one not graduated! I stink :(

I never blogged because everytime I thought that I would give it a try, I couldnt find the create new post button. But today I finally realized that it was because I never signed in. Oh yeah and initially I was mad because I thought I wasnt invited to blog but then someone informed me that it was because I never bothered to sign up. Ha ha!

Studying for my Praxis, which I will be taking June 14 (this Saturday! Yikes!) And practicing for VIENNA! MOZART CONCERTO FESTIVAL July 17-August 3, fly back August 7th. Has anybody changed their minds about joining me for the last 10 days?? I checked online and the cheapest round trip tickets are $1019 for the same flight back! You know you want to.

My attention span is awful. I think my brain is broken. Also, my sister got a new dell and it is much more beautiful than my ugly black one. I want to decorate mine with cool rock band and skater stickers. Only, I don't know any rock bands and I am not very skater. My life sucks! Miss you guys!


I Wish I Could Write Like Abigail Adams

Thought you guys might appreciate this. Or at least I hope that we have not "matured" past our more romantic leanings.

In a letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams.

April 7. 1764 ..."Shall I come and se eyou before you do. No I wont, for I want not again, to experience what I this morning felt, when you left."

P.S. I think the Prius wins.


Cars and 'Sex'

That title caught your eye, didn't it? Don't lie.

So two quick questions. (I'll make them quick for I anticipate the answer to the second one, should it be adequate, to be quite long.)

1. Mini Cooper Clubman (~$23,700) or Toyota Prius (~$24,300)

Prius is the responsible choice. It gets CRAZY gas milage. 48/45mpg or something. But the Clubman is just so FUN! It is that or a Koenigsegg CCX (~$600,910) :]

Oh, and both of them have push button start! Which is sooooooo cool. Although I must add that my car used to turn on without needing a key too! Admittedly, it was more so because it was ghetto then it was because of its' state-of-the-artness.

2. What is the appeal of "Sex and the City?"

On a purely vain tangent..... none of them are pretty. Except Charlotte. I think that is her name anyway. Hold on. Lemme 'google' that. ... Yep. That's her.

Hope you are all doing well.

P.S. I apologize for sounding so much like a kid in this post. But we can edit each other's posts?! That sounds a little dangerous. ;]

SUMMER happiness!

SO! Let's make a list of things we need to do! I'm gone after July 14th to DC (and won't be back until late June!) - here's my apt http://jaxulence.blogspot.com/2008/05/my-new-apartment.html I have a roommate named Lisa - she's working for Booz Allen Hamilton like me and from Carnegie Mellon!

So things we'll wanna do in the summer -

Sex and the City
Dawn Beach Trip

Six Flags



hi dudes. this is my first time posting on this blog. remember that time we went rafting? or bubbling? or whatever the heck its called where we floated slowly down the river? sort of like congo rapids at six flags but we each had individual boats? REMEMBER. angela mentioned it the other day and thinking back on it, i remember it was a lot of fun!! let's do that again some time in july?



THEY JUST DELETED MY POST! now i'm in a race against time with karen, who wants to post.

let me abbreviate it all!! SEX AND THE CITY: THE MOVIE is coming out, let's go see it!! someone better respond to that :)


halllooo everyone! yes happy grad, blah blah!

joyce, jen, angela, and I are eating dinner tomorrow around 6pm together. if anyone wants to join, give one of us a call!

AND HEY, can we schedule a group day to see SEX AND THE CITY: THE MOVIE?!?!?!!? it's coming out on friday. ok someone better respond to that! :)

what our graduation kinda looked like:


From D.C.

Congratulations to everyone who graduated these past few weeks! My ceremony was surprisingly lovely. I hope everyone's enjoying the time off!

So I'm working near DC this week, and we went to eat dinner downtown and took a short walk by the White House and saw a few monuments. It just reminded me of our gov trip and how I miss hanging out with our big group! Too bad our Olympics/China trip didn't work out for this year...but I was sort of expecting it not too, as always...hehe.

Also, is anyone doing anything this weekend? Let me know! Every Monday at work, people ask me what I did over the weekend, and everytime, I think, "Everyone I know is still in school!"

And change of my summer plans...I'll be going to London and Paris the last week of July so yay! (I sort of inadvertently guilted my parents into taking a bigger trip this summer.) Anyone have any recommendations on places I should go since we only have about a week there?

P.S. Xiao, I'm working in the DC area before you are!


say what!

Hi all, I know we have this blog, but as my pictures from my travels are PLENTIFUL, i decided to blog again ... and if you happen to be interested, check it out ...


Yeah, I know, my screen name rules.

And, props to Chris for changing the color! Hahahaha.


The blog is now green! That makes me happy. Like a blade of grass - forever green and growing.

If you haven't already, wish Jennifer Wang a very happy birthday! She is now 22 years old.

And yes, cheers to graduates of 08.


Physics for Everyday Life

I felt compelled to blog tonight in response to Chris' last post! It is true, between the 11 of us, we should be able to muster up SOME posts ;) Besides, it is a good excuse for me to procrastinate studying for neuro ;P

But, it occurred to me that some of you have very good reasons why you are not blogging! GRADUATION! I have not forgotten :) I know I may have missed some of your graduations already, and for that I'm sorry! But I hope you accept my belated congrats :) It's hard to believe that another four years have gone by! And we're adults or something like that now... ;D Life is leading us in all sorts of directions and all I can say is that I feel lucky to be still in touch with such a wonderful group of people and friends. I don't think it is easy to keep in close touch with people. Even with people you see on a daily basis, it is easy to drift. With the distance that spans between all of us, I just wanted to take the time to tell you guys that you are in my thoughts! I appreciate everyone's efforts to stay connected and involved in each others' lives. I hope you guys all really enjoy and celebrate your accomplishments! Congratulations!

For now, this will be my short sappy contribution to this blog. I leave you with some comics...courtesy of PhD comics.

poop joke!

i demand more updates to this blog! Between the 11 of us, we should have plenty to say!



wow, the new post link was sure hard to find. -.-

for those of you who don't know- i have a 'new' bf as noted on fb. lol, yes, that white guy is my bf.

tomorrow's my last exam, and senioritis is really kicking in.. i really don't feel like studying for this last exam. it's the difference of probably a B or B+ or A. lol.

I am leaving for HK in exactly two weeks.. i have yet to pack...

feeling a little mellow - it sucks when your bf doesn't know how to do anything romantic unless you hint it. -.-;; lol. wat a complaint eh?

i'm so ungrateful. :X


can you hear it?

those are crickets


...chirp chirp chirp...