

How do you pronounce the word "werewolf"?

1 - WEERwolf [wir-ˌwlf]

2 - WHEREwolf
[ˈwer- ,wlf]

Anxiously awaiting responses from EVERYBODY please, gracias.


X said...

2 - WHEREwolf [ˈwer- ,wu̇lf]


cricket said...

is that IPA i see there? i agree with xiao.

dani said...

hahaha...most random entry ever. I say it the second way too.

jamesvonkim said...

i didn't even know there was another way to pronounce WHERE-wolf. :]

Angela said...

BLEH fine - just all go be Michael's friends instead of mine!

X said...

omg angela ... hahahaha. why didn't you guys look it up?

Angela said...

HAHA we did but according to dictionary.com AND merrianwebster it CAN be pronounced both ways so there :)