I'm the only one not graduated! I stink :(
I never blogged because everytime I thought that I would give it a try, I couldnt find the create new post button. But today I finally realized that it was because I never signed in. Oh yeah and initially I was mad because I thought I wasnt invited to blog but then someone informed me that it was because I never bothered to sign up. Ha ha!
Studying for my Praxis, which I will be taking June 14 (this Saturday! Yikes!) And practicing for VIENNA! MOZART CONCERTO FESTIVAL July 17-August 3, fly back August 7th. Has anybody changed their minds about joining me for the last 10 days?? I checked online and the cheapest round trip tickets are $1019 for the same flight back! You know you want to.
My attention span is awful. I think my brain is broken. Also, my sister got a new dell and it is much more beautiful than my ugly black one. I want to decorate mine with cool rock band and skater stickers. Only, I don't know any rock bands and I am not very skater. My life sucks! Miss you guys!
I propose that "dell" and "beautiful" do not belong in the same sentence unless there is a "not" preceding the latter. ;]
^ what he said
study hard angela!! afterwards we get rewards =) like alcohol and nails! jia you!
oh you're always getting mad! i saw you joined a group called I cry myself to sleep when i don't get invited. i think i laughed for a good 2 minutes. hoohoo.
wow, did the boys not read anything other than the last paragraph...
haha! who added a picture to my post?? awesoommee :D jia you too karen!!
LOL I GOT INVITED TO THAT GROUP KK! by joycehuang.. -.-
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