hi everyone, hope you enjoy our girlish silliness, which xiao will be posting soon.
wish everyone could be here to have a goodbye party for xiaola, and a belated one in honor of our dearly departed will (side sniff) chang. darn all you who are away!
my dad has discovered the joy of frivolous shopping! and has unknowingly turned our living room into a tribute to sex, drugs and rock and roll! come over and check out our new lava lamp. i walked downstairs and found my dad staring into it with such an air of profundity, as if watching the mysteries of nature unfold. i don't have the heart to break it to him that the lava lamp is the symbol of hippie libertinage. just like how i'll never tell him about madonna's cone shaped bras and "erotica" days, as he has raised her to role model status after watching the mv for "don't tell me" (where she is a wholesome cowgirl). ah culture gaps. how weird is it thinking yourself the protector of your parents' innocence?
just watch. next time i'll come home and there will be an antique bong lying around somewhere that doubles beautifully as a vase.
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The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom Katherine Arnoldi
9780786864201 Books
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6 years ago
Best post. Ever.
whoohoo!! you're house will be a strange mix of chinese and hippiness.
now i know where you get it from
hahahahaha. oh jenn.
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