I think I'm going through withdrawal. I miss all things Taiwan. I think that I'm going to be retiring there so I can have stinky tofu, bubble tea, and Meetfresh to my wrinkly heart's content. Gosh, I even miss hearing the garbage trucks blast Für Elise. Would anyone be open to cofounding a Funkygardenfresh senior citizen center in Taipei? :P
I have been entirely remiss in my blogging duties, but I plan to make up for it with pictures...at some point :P This summer has been one of the fastest everrr for me. And maybe it's seemed especially precious since every dean or teacher at school has warned us at least 23492808 times to savor this summer as it is the LAST SUMMER EVERRRRRR. Why does it sound so scary? :( It feels like every second wasted is one second of my LAST SUMMER EVER aka free life as I know it poof!ing. It's not nearly that dramatic I'm sure, but this year is super scary sounding already, not even taking into account that I have to look forward to boards come next spring :(
For now,I shall block those unpleasant thoughts and save my spaz-isode for later :P Let's play! If you are in Edison/have time :D
⇒ PDF Gratis The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom Katherine
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The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom Katherine Arnoldi
9780786864201 Books
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6 years ago
i miss taiwan too! SIGH
i miss you! SIGH i hope i see you today.
i have stuff for you from your auntie. i think a charger of some sort.
My wife is the best. Taiwan forever ✌🏽
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