
12 pm NJ - 6pm Vienna



i have a dramatic life

the time: between 3:30 and 4:00 am

the scene: my temporary home in Bethlehem, shared by 3 or 4 other people, none of whom I know. darkness save for a dim beam of light from under a cloth curtain. a 'vornado' fan blows above my head--i sleep on the floor atop an air mattress i brought from home.

I blink. Once to get the sleep out of my eyes; again for good measure. I take in the room around me, and find that I'm awake earlier than I should be. Much earlier. I blink again in confusion.

Why the hell am I awake? Was it a bad dream? No. In fact it wasn't. It was quite a pleasant one--something involving a song by Hellogoodbye. "Here in your arms" is what it's called. The first verse does repeats in my head:

i like where we are
when we drive in your car
i like where we are--

And then I hear the most sinister sound. A voice. From my fucking fan.

"Mua ha ha ha ha."

I blink. What the fuck is this shit? I freeze for a second--confused, scared, and confused again. I make my appeal to logic, and draw myself a list of rationalizations to my poor situation:

1. My fan (that Felicia gave me) is possessed.
2. The angry bird gods have come to get some finch-related retribution on my ass.
3. The God of Abraham and friends has chosen me to free a certain group of enslaved peoples, choosing to appear as an infinitely blowing fan.
4. A friend related prank.
5. My fan is fucking possessed (someone's going to get punched in the face).

I run down my list, choosing to appeal to my more scientific nature and toss out my supernatural inclinations. Number 5 though, remains an appealing choice.

I roll off my bed and head for the light, wondering how any schmuck could pull this off. Not only are none of my friends (with access to this house) at Lehigh, but the way anybody could get access to this room (my door is locked) would be through the window, a feat that only I am retarded enough to attempt. I flip on the light.

And there it is. My fan floats in mid-air. Cushioned by rainbows and clouds of--

Just kidding. My room is as it was. And there's my fan, innocuously blowing hot air into my face, sitting next to those cheap cloth curtains. Then I realize that my curtains are shifting. I left the window open.

I step on over to the curtain, ready to smack the smart ass if he should appear. I pull the curtain open.

And there it is. A fugly-ass green faced fellow with warts on his hooked nose and tongue for teeth. He reaches--

Just kidding again. (Duhh). I pull the curtain open and see nothing but an open window. I look outside and see nothing out of the ordinary. Except for a car. A white car with the moonroof open. Are you freaking serious?

I quickly gather that the prank wasn't meant for me. I don't recognize the car; I don't recognize the people. I do recall that there is someone sleeping downstairs, alone on the sofa. As it so happens, that person sleeps right underneath the living room window. I assume that the shindig involved someone sticking his head out of the car, shouting, "Mua ha ha ha ha" toward said window. My open window just got caught in the crossfire.

I shut my window, annoyed. I woke up for this shit? Moreover: I bought "that shit." I'm more annoyed at myself for being scared than anything else.

And then I roll back into bed. But I can't sleep. The angry bird gods might still be out there. And that fucking fan. That possessed fucking fan...


Love is like a heat wave

So yesterday, I fell in love . . .

Emile de Beque is everything my old and new self could've ever wanted. Tall, dark, handsome and urbane. A free-thinking older Frenchman, who's rich and has the most amazing voice. What else could I want?

Too bad he's taken, and a fictional character on top of it. Such is the power of "South Pacific". Although I didnt get star struck like Angela, from wayy back in the theater, I sure felt like it.

There's a reason why this play was so famous, so go see it! If "Some Enchanted Evening" isn't enough, go see it to hang out with all the old people in the theater. I swear, I haven't been in the company of that many members of the AARP since I made my sister go watch Gone With the Wind at Loews.

One problem with seeing things with old people is that they just don't care! I was on the verge of elder abuse because this one woman kept singing along off key. Oh well, who can blame her, I felt young again, like when I was 11 and hormonal.


P.S. in real life, Paulo Szot is openly gay and Brazilian.
another one bites the dust . . .


Attractive People Have It Easier

Its true. My social psych teacher says so.

But even beyond that. I witnessed this today at work.

And I'm not just talking about the little harmless flirtations that get you the free drinks and stuff like that. I'm talking about luck.

So from the first day I'm in work, all I hear about is this guy called Sam. This is only my third day. Did you go there with Sam? Sam this, Sam that. Did you get invited by Sam to the happy hour? Is Sam going? Did you see Sam? Jenny says, he's good looking. Clinton (a guy) says he's an 8 out of 10. And I was like ... WHO IS SAM?

Finally, Clinton (who is Sam's officemate) tells me that Sam won the drawing for the 16 GB Apple itouch that was going on today - probably about 1000 people entered.

Say what. I am done hearing about Sam. I don't want to hear another thing about this guy.

And yet, I can't wait to meet this guy.

And I repeat, attractive people have it easier.


This is a day late
around 11:00 am 7/20 . . .
Prema sits by her computer constantly refreshing the pearsonvue page, hoping that she will see" click here to see your results" . Each time it says "your exam results are not avaliable at this time" she feelsa combinations of relief and dread. Finally, one last time, she hits control R and the magical word appears




Requested Insightful Post

Everything is so slow down here in NC that it takes about 15 minutes for them to make a sandwich and about 45 to make two rolls of sushi (though the sushi wasn't as bad as I thought it would be for a small town in the South). I don't know about you guys, but I'm used to things being a little quicker. Blame it for being in the city for four years, but I need to do everything quickly...or at least get from one place to another quickly. I walk like I'm 15 minutes late for something although I tend to arrive 15 minutes early. I don't understand why I rush...sometimes, while I'm rushing, I look at other people rushing and wonder why the world, and life, is such a blur when it shouldn't be.

The time right before something I'm looking forward to is about to happen, like this week right before I leave for London/Paris, is a horrible time because I'm half torn between feeling excited and the "I can't wait until Friday!" emotion and feeling like I want to slow time down so that my trip doesn't come so soon. Because I know that when Friday comes, the end of the trip will come just as quickly, and then I won't have a vacation to look forward to until next year.

So it feels like we're all just rushing from place to place, life event to event, and we're left to wonder what happens to all the time in between.

P.S. I just found out that my cell phone plan does not include text messages (although my sister's does...she texts a lot), so please restrain yourselves from texting me as I know it is tempting. Leave a voicemail instead!


morning after

so I took my exam today, and after studying nonstop, during my trip to canada, during my dates with raj, my summer finally begins, but it's halfway over! I dunno I feel odd. I was thinking after I left my exam, " Maybe I should study for the GREs"


Today I couldn't think of anything to bake, which ISNOT like me, and instead of craving to read a romance novel, I'm reading this 80's teen novel called "No Promises" But even though I feel halted and stuck somewhere, I really like reading about jen's dad and Madonna. Its so funny that you mentioned the idea of generations misinterpreting stuff or like not getting it. I was talking to my 13yr old cousin and I think I made le grande faux pas of mentioning Miley Cyrus. She clearly stated that none of her friends liked her and that she's for little kids. I found myself thinking, "does she mean 11 year olds?" . . . .

Sigh I too have made that sad jump into culture gap-land.

Pour votre viewing plaisir

I love the clothes on this cover. Everyone is so badly dressed in so many ways. yep, 80's was definitely my time



Today I discovered:

1- Student Rush > TKTS lines.
ie: $26 student rush to Spring Awakening; usher moves us up 7 rows from our ticket seats.

2- L-O-V-E
ie: <3ed singers/actors, <3ed music, <3ed orchestration, <3ed pit, <3ed leads, <3ed cast, <3ed THIS SHOW!

3- Failing/flailing moral compass??
ie: <3ed despite the: cursing, s-e-x, overall risque production!

4- Reemergence of my Starstrucked self
ie: scenario at stage door (A with extra high pitched voice)
A: (giggle giggle) Can I have your autograph??

K.R.: Sure! Where would you like me to sign?

A: (hysterical giggles and frantic flipping of Playbill) Umm I don't know! By your picture I guess! (more frantic flipping and nervous giggles) Sorry! I am a little starstruck! (giggle)

K.R.: (laughs good-naturedly) That's okay! Me too! Ha ha!

A: (more giggling) Can I take a picture with you too???


A: (wants to faint)

K.R.: Glad you enjoyed the show!

A: (highest pitch voice of the night) I DID YOU WERE GREAAT!

(A walks away trying to suppress another fit of giggling).

A: He rubbed my back! Twice! On my bare skin!! (GIGGLE GIGGLE GIGGLE)

Oye.. (I am) so embarassing.


hello funky friends


my asian excursion is slowly winding down to a close. i will be returning on friday. does anybody want to watch movies saturday morning? i've missed out on a lot--kinda wanna movie hop the whole day. batman, wallee, kungfu panda...all that stuff. who's with me!?

and my food blog is operational! hungrycricket.blogspot.com! stop by, leave a message!

and here's a picture of a fishhead.


hi everyone, hope you enjoy our girlish silliness, which xiao will be posting soon.

wish everyone could be here to have a goodbye party for xiaola, and a belated one in honor of our dearly departed will (side sniff) chang. darn all you who are away!

my dad has discovered the joy of frivolous shopping! and has unknowingly turned our living room into a tribute to sex, drugs and rock and roll! come over and check out our new lava lamp. i walked downstairs and found my dad staring into it with such an air of profundity, as if watching the mysteries of nature unfold. i don't have the heart to break it to him that the lava lamp is the symbol of hippie libertinage. just like how i'll never tell him about madonna's cone shaped bras and "erotica" days, as he has raised her to role model status after watching the mv for "don't tell me" (where she is a wholesome cowgirl). ah culture gaps. how weird is it thinking yourself the protector of your parents' innocence?
just watch. next time i'll come home and there will be an antique bong lying around somewhere that doubles beautifully as a vase.




First, the girl:

Then the quote ... circa 2000:

"Will Chang finkz I'm like I dunno cute or sumfin."

More to come.

As a side note - Jamez, MINICOOPER.


Clueless Dad

On our drive down to Maryland we see a license plate number STD-something something...:

Mom: Wow, how can they have a license plate number like that?
Dad (confused): What? Super Talented Dad??
(Sorry, if that wasn't funny, then I guess you had to be there. Also, you would have to know that my mom is usually more clueless about things while my dad is not.)

Today, I was looking at the weather report on TV, and they showed a map of the US with the weather conditions in different parts of the country. You know you travel too much/get too little sleep when your eyes are frantically searching the map and wondering which state you're in right now.