
Old School - And I quote...


Heyhey Ang,

argh! I dun wanna study NEmore! Dis is so-stinky. I'm averaging like a "B-" in S.S. grr... I THINK. >:\ haha ~ I fell asleep 4 like 20 mins @ like 10:15 :P ah wellz... so sup? AIYA! Wen are we getting our skewl pix? JP is so - slow. ah wellz.

Ms. Maravek is a poopie-head. I can't stand her either, nd dis is meeh! Ugh ~ i wanna go back 2 Mrs. Wions! *sob!* nd it's so--unfair now R, V, nd them are in CHAMBER wen she like didnt even give da grls a chance! Ugh. u kno, u guyz shud actually TRY, really!...

Oh my how we've grown :) I find some really good stuff cleaning my room. Treasures, really. Among them, studio picture of me joyce vivian and mary in the 7th grade with me in my big fat glasses and braces and a check from xiao for $9.87 from 2006. Guess who wrote that note, above? Ha ha :)


Summer Reading Lists?

What have you guys been reading? Any suggestions?



Ohayou Gozaimasu!

Hey everybody! Guess who's posting from Japan? Buahahaha!!!

Hope you're all doing well, sorry I missed Danielle's party. Crazy number of posts this past week. I'd put up pictures except Felicia has commandeered the digital camera and I don't want to go wheedle it out of her. By the way, I'll be opening up a food blog in the coming weeks with all the strange delicacies I've sampled. Two words: chicken sashimi. I'll keep you updated on that.

Thanks so much Karen and Jen for taking care of my animals! Kkuo--Kiki is a pensive chinchilla and is prone to snooping on your computer meanderings. She'll tell me all about the nasty porn you've looked at when I get back. By the way, it was Kiki's 5th birthday yesterday. That's 35 in human years hahaha. Jwang--don't worry about the bird. As long as there's food somewhere in the cage, she'll survive. Oh and try squeaking at her. She'll squeak back. It's kinda cute.

Hey I've also just committed to Albert Einstein for their PhD program, so it's gonna be the Bronx for me for the next 4 (or more) years. Imma be a scientist! And maybe a medical scientist if things pan out that way...

Okey dokey that's enough out of me.



I cry at weddings

but only because I see everyone else crying! Anyway, my cousin's wedding on Sunday was really beautiful, and I could understand why parents and family members cry because it's a bittersweet thing to see your daughter/sister/etc. grow up and start her own family. Even my 19-year-old carefree guy cousin cried a lot more than I would ever have expected for his sister.

On a related note, I saw this article on msn.com: "Why Guys Marry Some Girls (but Not Others)" In summary, the 5 "Tie-the-Knot-Traits" are:

  • She's Exciting and Always Evolving

  • She Really, Really Loves Sex

  • She Makes It Clear He's Not Her Entire Life

  • ...Yet She Still Conveys How Very Important He Is to Her

  • She Wants Him to Be the Best Man He Can Be
Keep that in mind, girls! Meanwhile, I have to work on not being boring.

i loooove this song. rilo kiley- dreamworld. jenny lewis, the girl, with the hat, is really cool.

this is MGMT. i like their music, but not sure if i like them. too hippie. but the guy on the right, is so beautiful. TOO beautiful. and what do you do when a man is more beautiful than you, ladies? that's right, you FIND ANOTHER MAN!



I missed another of danielle's fabulous party and a chance to see everyone but I'm going to be back in edison tomorrow! promise I'll see all of you soon. even if it's only until friday.

in another one of our busy walking days in boston, dominique and I went to the MFA today to see garcia's exhibit -- amaaazing and it happened to be free today, which never happens. Yes, in truth, I came to boston to see his exhibit. ahahahaa.

and then we walked from MIT to Harvard, which according to dom, is only 20 minutes but ended up being more like 75 minutes. holy cow.

yesterday we walked straight into a movie set downtown for something called "The surrogates." A bunch of fake crashed cars and dead bodies and some other people around us were gasping because they thought it was a real car crash but I just snapped a bunch of pictures until the set people said no pictures allowed so I just snapped one more and then ran away. hooray!

Nonsense to fill up the page

Firstly, thanks to the Wongs, inc. for having a fab party. I was sleepy but now I can't sleep. Go figure. Any how, what sparked my interest was how odd it felt to be surrounded by high schoolers. As I was putting on my clothes, I knew you guys wouldn't care but then I thought, what if her sister's friends think I'm fobby? How completely ridiculous and sad, to think that I for a moment considered their opinion of me. Isn't it crazy what can somehow kind of get to us after all this time? Here we are four years later, wiser or whatever you want to call it, but in the midst of teenage blood we/I somehow felt unsure. It must be hormones I'm convinced they must be airborne. But in any case, I'm not sure about others because I'm terrible with keeping in touch, but 18-21 (years of age) helped me *finally* not feel like an ass in everything I wore/did. I can't help but HATE the idea of all t hat work being threatened, I mean we spend this time living away only ( for some) to return to the same situation we left! How to keep from regressing, from letting old issues come up? UGH Sorry for a lame ass- xanga esque inaugural post!


hi everyone! what's up.....? i feel like you guys have really TURNED IT UP, as Lil' Mama would say, in terms of fancy, adult language. but a good old "what's up" still seemed appropriate!

so. what's up?! nm here. just stuck at home, trying to maintain some sense of hope and awe in a situation with great depressive potential-- JOBHUNTING!

chris your bird kept flying around like crazy today and squawking. i was too scared to stick my hand in there to give it food, so i just poured it through the cage and watched a lot of it spray onto the newspaper. sorry!!


well reading and watching movies and seeing friends makes the time pass by gloriously. i watched "reality bites" yesterday. it was GREAT! it's about.. us! pretty much. post college life, trying to figure out if we really understand and would live by what we've been extolling as ideals (anticonsumerism, antiestablishment-ism[?]) now that we can't sit around dreaming all day, or if we're just totally overdramatic and should suck it up and go to work, like most everyone else before us have done. ugh. cuz it's like. you can't dream up groceries! or AC! or money to pay for car accidents! but the longer you stay out of the system, with a safety net in place (as i'm sure most of our parents would graciously give while they still can) to catch you, the more wonderful it seems to just live, and love, and work on your own terms at something you are just in gaping awe of. but also, to each his own. maybe i'm just doomed to act like the youngest child forever.

my dad's company took a $100 million budget cut-- bc the gov't needs the money to keep fighting in Iraq. he works for a defense contracter. i started thinking about living in a box, living out of my car, finding places to shower, but also, not needing to pay property tax and bills while living in a box or car and how awesome that would be. and how a home is really just a place to store all your stuff so who cares how it looks! but they didn't lay him off.. what a relief. sometimes though, don't you guys imagine yourselves in the worst case scenario, just to convince yourselves that it won't be so bad. to cushion the hypothetical fall? but then again, i'm sure i also glamorize street life. ain't no happy hippy trip! just watch City of God. shrug. if you guys have read this kerouac book, "tristessa", wouldn't it be happy and nice having a small windowed room in a junkie lady's house-- as long as the gangster and addicts and prostitutes stay out of your business and don't involve you in theirs? ok.. maybe.. yeah.. unrealistic! i know. :]

anyways, now i am going to watch "closer" and read some fun stuff. i will leave you all with this. never fails to make me smile.



meep meeeeeeep

I wish I had a post as brilliant as Angela's have been, but all I have to offer is some youtube video involving muppets and Danny Boy.

In unrelated news, I would like to hang out with you (perchance a fooding, a feeding, a commune to satiate the alimentary tubes) before I scuttle off to the land of the rising sun. Just not Chili's.


Save Water

"I'm going to the gym to shower. Everyone in our family is to go to the gym every day from now on. To use the shower. Our water bill is too high."

- Mama Wu (in Chinese)



angela's posts are creepy and ADD-like.

MORE MORE MORE! keep stalking people and posting about it!


Creepo in a Coffeshop

Studying at Panera:

First I sat by these two old men - one Chinese and one Caucasian - talking super loud about politics, china, the earthquake, Olympics, gas prices, corruption of power, etc. Very interesting but way too distracting. At one point the Caucasian man said that the good thing about the earthquake is now they are investigating contractors who paid off the inspectors and didnt build sound structures for the schools, and how the good thing about China is that they will now be executed. But would that happen in the US? No, but it should. LOL oh myy.

Moved and now! I'm sitting by this old man and woman who met on an online dating service!! Haha! So super cute. They talked about the arts and some politics, lifestyles, interests, history, and now are talking about how cute each other's pictures were on line and how accurate they are in real life. Haha! I hope they don't think I'm a creep. Every so often something cute happens and I giggle quietly to myself into my music history notes. Sigh!

I am not kidding okay! I told Jen and Vicki about that old lady and man friend couple and then shortly after I saw him and got worried that he heard. And shortly after that, aka right NOW, I see him sit down at a booth across from me with ANOTHER LADY FRIEND! This new one is wearing a dress with a low cut back and pretty sandals that match in color. I don't know - he might like her better based on fashion and aesthetics. But, he did spend 2 and a half hours talking to the other one and he was so comfortable with her that he had his shoes off the entire time. I looked over just now and noticed that he also is not smiling nearly as much at all! (All this I gathered while reading about music in the Middle Ages).

I admit it - I AM the creepo in a coffeeshop - yikes




I'm the only one not graduated! I stink :(

I never blogged because everytime I thought that I would give it a try, I couldnt find the create new post button. But today I finally realized that it was because I never signed in. Oh yeah and initially I was mad because I thought I wasnt invited to blog but then someone informed me that it was because I never bothered to sign up. Ha ha!

Studying for my Praxis, which I will be taking June 14 (this Saturday! Yikes!) And practicing for VIENNA! MOZART CONCERTO FESTIVAL July 17-August 3, fly back August 7th. Has anybody changed their minds about joining me for the last 10 days?? I checked online and the cheapest round trip tickets are $1019 for the same flight back! You know you want to.

My attention span is awful. I think my brain is broken. Also, my sister got a new dell and it is much more beautiful than my ugly black one. I want to decorate mine with cool rock band and skater stickers. Only, I don't know any rock bands and I am not very skater. My life sucks! Miss you guys!


I Wish I Could Write Like Abigail Adams

Thought you guys might appreciate this. Or at least I hope that we have not "matured" past our more romantic leanings.

In a letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams.

April 7. 1764 ..."Shall I come and se eyou before you do. No I wont, for I want not again, to experience what I this morning felt, when you left."

P.S. I think the Prius wins.