
bronx v2

Chris, I didn't understand half of what you said in that last post. But I do like to tell people that I have a friend who is pursuing a PhD in something brainy. Which you are, right? Neuroscience.. brainy - haha, get it, get it? Brain-y? :D

So, I start my first day of work tomorrow. Which is really frightening if you ask me.. For those who don't know, I was offered a position to be a 10th grade architecture/math teacher at Pablo Neruda Academy of Architecture and World Studies in the Bronx. It's a trek from my apartment in Brooklyn, but I'm excited about the prospect of infusing the two subjects and loves (?). It'll also be the first time in a long time that an architecture course will be in the school curriculum, so I'm especially nervous because I have no precedents to build off of. I have no idea what to expect, or what is expected of me.. But tomorrow is day one of a week curriculum planning. Hopefully, by September 2nd, I'll have something substantial to present on the first day of class.

Still, I never thought that I would be doing this, and I'm hoping that I can share with these high schoolers a little bit of what I know (though at this moment, I feel as though I don't have too much to offer!).. and maybe, something that might inspire them.

Happy belated birthday, Tammy! I hope you girls had a fantastic weekend. :)


dani said...

Good luck with your first day at work!

cricket said...

haha brainy. i like brains. yum.