
New Year New you and all that crap

So Happy New Year all!!

In the spirit, does anyone have a resolution, or specific plans for 2011?
I myself have none so far =P But I was curious about you all AND we haven't posted since November (boo, us!)


X said...

travel the world. =D

dani said...

I don't usually make new year's resolutions (because I would probably break them within a week), but I'm going to try out Project 365 this year and see how long I last!

nk said...

omg i didn't even know this blog was still being used !!!! this is like finding $20 in your pocket!

what's project 365??

i want to lose some FAT.

dani said...

Project 365 is basically taking a picture a day for the whole year. Preferably, it should relate to the day (or you can have weekly themes, etc.), but you can be as strict or as loose with the concept as you want.