So I have a question for all you lovely people:
When going on a lunch date/dinner date/any date that involves someone having to pay, do you think the person who asked the other person on the date should be the one to pay and the other person assumes the asker will pay, or should both parties do the "check dance" and offer to pay until one gives in and the other pays?
I think that both parties should offer to pay for the check, or even go dutch although I'd rather have one party pay and the other offer to pay for next time. Unless there is no next time, in which case, ha, free meal! But in all seriousness, I think it's only fair to do the check dance because even though the other person asked you to go on a date, you obviously wanted to spend time with that person as well if you agreed to go on the date, so you should both show appreciation of having been able to spend time together by offering to pay. Unless of course the date was a total disaster or you agreed to go on the date when you were drunk.
FYI, none of this is coming from personal experience hahaha
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The Amazing True Story of a Teenage Single Mom Katherine Arnoldi
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6 years ago
1 comment:
the dude pays
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