
rant rant rant

I haven't shared anything in a long time so let me rant.

Now I'm pretty good at ignoring hunger pangs, but today was pretty durn ridiculous. So I gave up my weekend for lab, go figure. Woke up this morning, made myself some oatmeal (mmm oatmeal) and stomped on down to the research building and signed myself in. My game plan was to be out by 6:00, enjoy a nice little dinner, and perhaps head down to NYC if I wasn't too tired.

Didn't happen. Sat down, started some surgeries (braaainnnnn surgeries), dealt with some prep stuff, and BAM. My cell reads 10 o farking clock. I'm literally like WHAT THE HELL and I go turn on my uber cool netbook to check its time, just in case my cell phone went retarded. It says 10 (o farking clock). So then I get really freaked out and walk into the hallway to check the hallway clock. It says ELEVEN (o farking clock). But then I remember that that clock is crazy retarded and it is never to be trusted.

How the heck does time fly like that? And how did my stomach fail me? Actually, finding out it was 10 totally woke my stomach up, and I almost collapsed from hunger right then and there. So I hurry up and close up my 'patient' and head on home. I hope mouse #8 is okay...

So I walk home wondering what has transpired, and have settled on this:

If time flies when you're having fun
And time flew
Then I must have been having fun

I think I am where I am supposed to be.

edit some time later

arggh now that that's settled maybe i should be looking for a meaningful relationship with some wholesome young lady


dani said...

aww cute...that made me happy

X said...

I'm glad you found where you're supposed to be! ^_^

Unknown said...

HAHAHAH to the edit

Angela said...

Haha omgosh. I get SO HUNGRY while working I can't function. I can't believe you lasted. And yes nice edit :)