
On the Moment

It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations.
~ Khalil Gibran (via Jason Mraz)

I'm extending the trend...discuss! Is it necessary to have that "moment" or not? If it is, how long should you wait to experience that "moment" to happen until you decide to move on?


cricket said...

uhhhhhhh i dunno

it depends on whatever makes you happy


dani said...

Haha I think you only wrote that comment so you could make that face.

X said...

Man, y'all are making me think too much.

I agree with cricket ... I think it depends on whatever makes you happy - who can tell you what love is or isn't ... but to expand:

I don't think you need a "moment."
Yes, it helps ... and it is up to you whether or not to wait for that moment to happen - again, its whatever makes you happy, but I believe marriages and love can happen without a moment. Not all love is the same, so why should the way we fall in love be the same also?

cricket said...

seriously man. hard questions and i dont know how to answer them except to say find out what makes you happy and go for it.

but we can't all wait for the moment though. some of us need to make the moment happen or else we'd all just end up...chilling.

speaking of making the moment happen, i'm going to pick up some chloroform.


veronique said...

I love chris and his faces!
Ok, to me moments are like that whole"one" concept. Sometimes you spend your whole life looking for that moment or that one, and because of your expectations, miss the reality right in front of you. To me those things are measures that other people set up to make themselves feel special. Love has lots of moments, like when you kiss someone, when you find you trust them more than anyone else. I guess those realizations could be " the moment". IA with X, love is different for each person, with each person. Meh, The moment is probably some conspiracy made up by hallmark and womens magazines.