
list of high school regrets

1. giving a shit about honor societies

2. volunteering at the library

3. (your regret here)


veronique said...

1)being so unsure and unhappy with self. I think if I actually liked myself I wouldn't think on those four years and cringe
2) being so angry all the time
3) liking dumbass men that I knew would not like me back therefor creating fatalistic pity party drama

idoulex said...

having a job. not doing sports. and other extracurriculars.

idoulex said...

not studying more? having my own computer.

idoulex said...

sleeping during ap gov.

dani said...

hahaha joyce...sleeping in ap gov!

not much...everything that happened got me to where i am now, and i'm pretty content on where i am now. but if that's too cheesy of an answer, then i guess...my propensity for running, hiding, and avoiding.

statuskuo said...

taking sat IIs

Angela said...

1- Not enjoying my skinniest period.
2- Not practicing more piano.
3- Making out with redface in the hallway.

Unknown said...

I can't believe I didn't see this entry until now!

1. going on aim way too much.
2. taking AP exams for 80 bucks a pop
3. deciding to go on Atkin's for two weeks (remember that?!!)

mary said...

HAHA i love ang's.

1. taking SAT IIs
2. taking AP's
3. not trying sports
4. not being more social >.< (my co-workers here in NY went to college with some of the kids we went to school with!!)

prisca* said...

hahaha, loving everyone's comments. very real :)

giving a crap about studies (wasting efforts to get into AP after crap teachers put me in regular classes) when i could be doing extra curriculars like metal/wood making, frisbee, etc.

wasting life time on guys -.-;; (much like prem's #3 -- resulting in unneeded emotional scars)