
The Biggest Loser: Wong Family Edition

So in an effort to help my sister lose weight (the freshman 15 are evil), my mom got the brilliant idea to enforce a weight loss plan on the whole family and pay us all $100 per pound lost. The person who loses the most gets paid double or something. There are even weekly weigh-ins. Any tips?



unfortunately, while "playing around" with gmail, I deleted all my contacts.

hooray. how useful. please email me at nancilyk@gmail.com so that I can have your email address stored in gmail again :( this is depressing.
nancy and i were inspired by James's lovely story about the beach. nancy told me to write a story of my own. so here goes!

meooow. it is 12am, and time to play. it is cat morning and i am a young, sprightly thing. i wonder what wonders await me in this cat world. meow, there is the meowing of a delicious little puffball of a cat girl. oh, she is calling to me from over the fence, miss jennifer's sad little fence. she put it up to keep me out, but see me tense my strong hind muscles and spring like over an anthill across that sad fence. my beloved, where is she. i smell the mashed chicken liver on her whiskers and it makes my heart's mouth salivate. meow, there she calls again. my heart is racing, my fur is standing as if someone had rubbed a balloon all over me! there she is, my beloved, with the most lush white fur coat i've ever laid my green eyes on. oh i can see it already, the kittens striped her white and my yellow running across the yard, fur glistening in the setting sun. then to it i go, to my love, my sweet, my fate! up and away!


Do you tweet?

So the reason for my silence thus far is that I have not yet found a subject upon which to expound. (Although I must admit that Starbucks Chai Tea Lattes and Chipotle come mighty close.) So I've given up on trying to find something interesting enough to pique your interest and instead choose to ask: do any of you Twitter?


kids say the darndest things

@Career Day - Policeman Room

Brandon (Kindergarten) - "My mom has handcuffs too"

Policeman - o.O

Brandon - "She keeps them in her secret place."


brain tickles

if neuro has taught me anything, it's that we are relatively poor at interpreting the world. magicians take advantage of the fallacies inherent in our supposedly logical systems, exposing both cognitive and sensory flaws.

i like this video. there's a whole symposium titled 'Mind Science - Magic of Consciousness' that tickles me to know end. here: