
so I paid a visit to our lovely edison library today and I got to sit next to the young adults section, which has some REALLY weird book titles (btw, what the heck does the "young adult" category mean?? what age group??) .... like Sexy, How to be Bad, Boytchy, etc.

BUT before I went to the library (sorry i'm telling this story in reverse), I went to BN first and GUESS WHAT I SAW IN FRONT OF CHEESECAKE FACTORY....a huge SYSCO truck unloading junk!!!!!!

OH MY GOSH. cheesecake factory gets food from SYSCO?? our dining hall food used to come from SYSCO and not only can I thank SYSCO for giving me my freshman 15, I would also like to thank SYSCO for providing us with the crappiest food alive. our meal plan's quality was ranked BELOW the quality that SYSCO provided to inmates in jails. holy cow. I'm appalled. but i'm not going to boycott cheesecake.

seriously. ok the end.


All In

I was watching the Travel Channel, and they were doing a feature on Thailand. Part of the segment focused on Buddhism's influence on Thailand's culture. One of the hosts said that she thinks that Thai people smile all the time and seem to be so happy because of this Buddhist mindset. She said that Buddhists always seem content with the present and don't let worries bother them. And that's a pleasant way to live, to always feel content with where you are in life and what you have. But for those people that are just content to feel content - or rather no emotions or sentiments at all since generally Buddhists aren't allowed to feel attached to things, people, the past, the future, even themselves - isn't life too short to feel nothing rather than something? Whether it's sad, happy, angry, excited…doesn't it feel like you're living more when you allow yourself to feel something?

But then the problem becomes how much you should allow yourself to feel because the more you let yourself feel, the higher the risk of getting hurt, and the harder you can fall. So how high of a wall should you build around yourself to protect yourself from getting hurt, to keep yourself from being too attached to something? Or should you just go all in?

*Note: my generalizations about Buddhism are from what I remember from college...I could probably be wrong.


first dates

here's a heartwarming little diddly...

source: http://humboldt.craigslist.org/rnr/989335350.html

To the woman who crapped her pants in my car (mckinleyville)

Reply to: pers-989335350@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2009-01-11, 7:55PM PST

We met on Craigslist so I am hoping that this post finds you. I know that it could quite possibly be the most humiliating first date that you have ever been on, but I am willing to look past that.

I thought we had chemistry sitting at 6 rivers sharing that basket of hot wings while drinking the chili beer. I really felt like there was a connection there. I found you to be intelligent and witty and looked forward to further conversation with you.

At some point in life, everyone has gambled on a fart and lost. It just happened to be on a first date in the passenger seat of my car. Please don’t feel bad. The package I sent you with Pepto the next day and the note that said “First dates are always a crap shoot. Call me” was meant to be funny, not offensive.

I have gambled on a fart and lost on multiple occasions. The first time I did it was very memorable. It happened when I was five and sitting on my uncle's lap. I am lactose intolerant, but love cheese. I probably win 95% of the time, but I don't think anyone wins 100% of the time. That's why they call it "gambling". I'm the last person to judge you for crapping your pants. In fact, I am impressed by your boldness. The timing on the other hand, could have been a tad bit better...like when you're not sitting on a heated leather seat...

What I am trying to say is that if you want to go out again, I would be more than happy to take you someplace where we can get a meal that is high in fiber and less taxing on the digestive tract.

I await your call,

P.S. - If you shat yourself on purpose to end the evening early…Touché…


i'm like the asian version of bridget jones - the epitome of a single woman. it's currently 6:10pm and what I have planned for the night is some pilates, a bubble bath, reading a little bit of my jane eyre, and then turning in early. like really early. hopefully I'll make it to 10pm.

and even though I blame it on the mcats, I'm afraid this is what I'm like normally. oh maaan.

tell me you're like this too!



Just a question to throw out there and get opinions on-

I watched a movie with black ppl the other day [SORRY I DON'T REMEMBER THE TITLE, I JUST WALKED IN ON IT!!] and the guy and girl were sitting at a bar. They were fighting, obviously, and the guy had just asked her to marry him. She responds with silence, and he asks her to melt her heart and let him in. (She's been traumatized before, duh.) But she continues in silence. Then the guy gets up in anger and walks away and the girl reaches to grab his hand and whispers, "Can't we still be...". He flings her hands off and replies, "Be what? Friends? I want all of you, not half. If you truly love somebody, you can never just be FRIENDS with them." And he walks out.

If you're friends with your ex now, do you think that means you were never truly in love with them?


the nanny and I just spent the last two minutes trying to spy on my brother and his mysterious female guest. so my parents went out for some social gathering and then my brother invited a girl over and so when the doorbell rang because her parents came to pick her up, i snuck out of my room to spy and i saw my nanny walking out of her room to spy too. aahahahah

and so we just whispered to each other and she told me to hide and peek from the bathroom while she was squatting near the staircase and mimi was just in her room screaming, "WHO'S HERE??" and eventually she runs out of the room going "MOMMY IS THAT YOU??" way to mess up our plans to be cool spies.


asian men

hi. i think some of you would appreciate this.



no no no this is not porn!!! just shirtless dudes.