
Wow. So the last time I read this blog was when Prema and Raj went to a concert back in August..



Our love is like a blade of grass, forever green and growing.

Happy holidays, guys!!


is smell important to you?

A bunch of (slightly kooky) studies are out there looking at how mate choice (love?) is influenced by scent. I refer mostly to the (in)famous studies involving women sniffing t-shirts worn by men for two consecutive nights (also known as the 'sweaty t-shirt experiment') and rating attractiveness.

From what I've read, the 'sweaty t-shirt' literature is in a bit of a bind, as their previous paradigms looking at femininity/masculinity in terms of facial features and symmetry has been put in question. One of the more established ideas though, is that females have more enticing odors during their ovulatory phase than when they're not ovulating (now you know when your prime is!!). A more recent focus is on major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs). Long story short, mates with very different MHCs produce offspring that have strong immune systems, something that would be strongly selected for in this evolutionary world that we live in.

These studies posit that we can detect these differences through olfaction, and that there is therefore an evolutionary and genetic basis for attraction.

Some (definitely kooky) companies have taken this a step further and now offer tests to say how good your genetic match is with your partner. For the singles out there, they even offer to set you up with someone who has good homology according to those genetic principles I've outlined.

I thought I'd share this with you because of Angela's post about soulmates. If you draw some wild conclusions, these studies do sort of support the notion of someone with a 100% match. Granted, it doesn't discount the fact that there might be more than one person out there, but the chances of more than one match would slim down significantly if you're looking for that 100%. On the other hand, if you're thinking straight up probabilities, then arguing for a single soul-mate opens up the possibility of having no soul mate.

ANYWAYS. What I MEAN to ask is...

What does smell mean to you?

Yes. This is the random crap I read in lab while my experiments are running. References follow; the first two are non-technical.



Buy Love



Yuletide Cheer!

Hallelujah! I finally got to catch up on everyone's contributions! That to me is worth blogging about. HAHA sorry for wasting everyones time with this. I have nothing worth blogging!
YAY for christmas parties and misteltoe. PS I'm wondering what I should make for my co workers. Do you all think truffles are ok? Suggestions welcome


I think you're craaaaaaazy

sooo even though I think meeting new people can be awkward sometimes (either BAD awkward or just funny awkward turtley), I miss MEETING NEW PEOPLE. here I am, in my room all week except for saturday and sunday mcat classes where my teacher finds the best possible ways to demonstrate at the best possible moments that i'm really dumb so it's not particularly memorable and I haven't had the opportunity to talk about any crazy stories. liiiiike oh I met this crazy lady the other day and she almost blah blah blah, look I can't even make a story up! my imagination has dissappeared! groaan.

sorry I wrote like super long run-on sentences in this entry but how can my grammar be good if I don't even talk to new people! oh actually, ha ha, I lied a little because I forgot that I went to church this weekend and met new people who thought I was a fob and were really surprised that I could speak English so I just shrugged and said, well um I guess the school system is pretty good here so my English isn't bad...ahahhaa lame.

meet anyone crazy recently?? :)


When you're below it, it's a cloud.

When you're going through it, it's fog. When you're above it, it's…something. I remember reading it at the information center at Mount Washington, but now I don't remember what it's called. But when you're flying above the clouds, not even 10 feet from the tips of the clouds, do you ever feel like you just want to leap out of the plane and see how it feels? I know they're just clumps of water droplets and I'd just fall right through, but it's so tempting to want to take a chance just to know how it feels like. To not care whether they would catch you or let you fall, not care about the consequence, the afterwards, the future, just for that moment of knowing what you've been wondering but were too afraid to take the chance to find out. That's the essential principle of living in the moment, isn't it? And that's why it's so hard to do.

Open Forum: Soulmates

- Do they exist?
- Does everyone have one?
- Can you "miss" your one?
- Can you have more than one?
- Does the idea of one or possibly multiple ones add value or devalue what there is between you and your person?
- Extra thoughts??

- finished student teaching: elementary and middle school general music and choruses
- MAY move up to wayne for six months to teach in Bergen County
- MAY try to work in the ghettos of New Brunswick
- MAY not have a job at all til Septemeber
- WILL give senior recital (piano- that's my instrument in case you didnt know) FRIDAY JANUARY 30 6PM - PLEASE COME HOME IF YOU CAN. i don't know how many friends will show :(


How gamer boys blog

We funky garden fresh types blog with comics, discussions and just random weirdness.

Gamer boys (e.g. Carlos and friends) blog by playing an online session of mafia.
Check it out. Carlos was the Master Decoy. And killed the first night. ahaha >.<

anyway. just thought it was an interesting....



this one is sad

this one is glorious

my inner romantic has died.



danielle thinks that this blog is dying but i'm here to singlehandedly rescue our funky garden fresh!! CPR style!

ok, now that i've breathed onto my laptop screen........

what are everyone's plans for Christmas break other than attending our parties per usual? :) let's get a mistletoe for the party this year! wait, Chris, did you have one hanging at the entrance of your basement? I vaguely remember this. we can get jen and will under it he he he.

oh oh and what is everyone's favorite holiday song.

ok is this entry too boring? I sound like a GRANDMOTHER. BAH.

Where is Everyone?

As i spam this blog with entries I ask ...


The fact that everyone doesn't seem to blog addictively probably means that everyone else has a life ...