I guess I need to balance my last dicks entry with something more substantial.
I was wondering why you fall for who you fall for. And yes, I am addressing you lovely funky ladies. I think I have a good idea of why guys fall for whoever they do, but the female is a mystery to me. When all logic points to nice person 'x' and 'you' choose questionable person 'y,' I get confused.
I'm going to put forth a little hypothesis: that an uncouth, almost unforgivable sense of forwardness that you find in some questionable characters makes the coupling process more immediately desirable, or in a slightly more negative, blunter way to put things--easier. My assumption is that people will take the easier route, no matter their overall desires.
Now that I think about it, this paradigm holds true for boys. Some of us think that we have standards, but more often than not, we see those standards collapse in the face of an easier route. This isn't so much a theme as it is a motif I think. Perhaps we are the same. I think my flaw in this flow is that I tend to hold women to higher standards than men. In my twisted mind, it is strange when a female makes a bad choice, and expected when a male makes one. I'm a self-hater I think.
So what do you think? Agree/disagree? Can you say that you hold absolutely to standards, or is there propensity to take the more accessible path?
And if you're trying to, don't read into why I'm asking this. I'm happy with my life right now. It's just a common theme that I hear from other lives, and I wonder about it...