
Cars and 'Sex'

That title caught your eye, didn't it? Don't lie.

So two quick questions. (I'll make them quick for I anticipate the answer to the second one, should it be adequate, to be quite long.)

1. Mini Cooper Clubman (~$23,700) or Toyota Prius (~$24,300)

Prius is the responsible choice. It gets CRAZY gas milage. 48/45mpg or something. But the Clubman is just so FUN! It is that or a Koenigsegg CCX (~$600,910) :]

Oh, and both of them have push button start! Which is sooooooo cool. Although I must add that my car used to turn on without needing a key too! Admittedly, it was more so because it was ghetto then it was because of its' state-of-the-artness.

2. What is the appeal of "Sex and the City?"

On a purely vain tangent..... none of them are pretty. Except Charlotte. I think that is her name anyway. Hold on. Lemme 'google' that. ... Yep. That's her.

Hope you are all doing well.

P.S. I apologize for sounding so much like a kid in this post. But we can edit each other's posts?! That sounds a little dangerous. ;]

SUMMER happiness!

SO! Let's make a list of things we need to do! I'm gone after July 14th to DC (and won't be back until late June!) - here's my apt http://jaxulence.blogspot.com/2008/05/my-new-apartment.html I have a roommate named Lisa - she's working for Booz Allen Hamilton like me and from Carnegie Mellon!

So things we'll wanna do in the summer -

Sex and the City
Dawn Beach Trip

Six Flags



hi dudes. this is my first time posting on this blog. remember that time we went rafting? or bubbling? or whatever the heck its called where we floated slowly down the river? sort of like congo rapids at six flags but we each had individual boats? REMEMBER. angela mentioned it the other day and thinking back on it, i remember it was a lot of fun!! let's do that again some time in july?



THEY JUST DELETED MY POST! now i'm in a race against time with karen, who wants to post.

let me abbreviate it all!! SEX AND THE CITY: THE MOVIE is coming out, let's go see it!! someone better respond to that :)


halllooo everyone! yes happy grad, blah blah!

joyce, jen, angela, and I are eating dinner tomorrow around 6pm together. if anyone wants to join, give one of us a call!

AND HEY, can we schedule a group day to see SEX AND THE CITY: THE MOVIE?!?!?!!? it's coming out on friday. ok someone better respond to that! :)

what our graduation kinda looked like:


From D.C.

Congratulations to everyone who graduated these past few weeks! My ceremony was surprisingly lovely. I hope everyone's enjoying the time off!

So I'm working near DC this week, and we went to eat dinner downtown and took a short walk by the White House and saw a few monuments. It just reminded me of our gov trip and how I miss hanging out with our big group! Too bad our Olympics/China trip didn't work out for this year...but I was sort of expecting it not too, as always...hehe.

Also, is anyone doing anything this weekend? Let me know! Every Monday at work, people ask me what I did over the weekend, and everytime, I think, "Everyone I know is still in school!"

And change of my summer plans...I'll be going to London and Paris the last week of July so yay! (I sort of inadvertently guilted my parents into taking a bigger trip this summer.) Anyone have any recommendations on places I should go since we only have about a week there?

P.S. Xiao, I'm working in the DC area before you are!


say what!

Hi all, I know we have this blog, but as my pictures from my travels are PLENTIFUL, i decided to blog again ... and if you happen to be interested, check it out ...


Yeah, I know, my screen name rules.

And, props to Chris for changing the color! Hahahaha.


The blog is now green! That makes me happy. Like a blade of grass - forever green and growing.

If you haven't already, wish Jennifer Wang a very happy birthday! She is now 22 years old.

And yes, cheers to graduates of 08.


Physics for Everyday Life

I felt compelled to blog tonight in response to Chris' last post! It is true, between the 11 of us, we should be able to muster up SOME posts ;) Besides, it is a good excuse for me to procrastinate studying for neuro ;P

But, it occurred to me that some of you have very good reasons why you are not blogging! GRADUATION! I have not forgotten :) I know I may have missed some of your graduations already, and for that I'm sorry! But I hope you accept my belated congrats :) It's hard to believe that another four years have gone by! And we're adults or something like that now... ;D Life is leading us in all sorts of directions and all I can say is that I feel lucky to be still in touch with such a wonderful group of people and friends. I don't think it is easy to keep in close touch with people. Even with people you see on a daily basis, it is easy to drift. With the distance that spans between all of us, I just wanted to take the time to tell you guys that you are in my thoughts! I appreciate everyone's efforts to stay connected and involved in each others' lives. I hope you guys all really enjoy and celebrate your accomplishments! Congratulations!

For now, this will be my short sappy contribution to this blog. I leave you with some comics...courtesy of PhD comics.

poop joke!

i demand more updates to this blog! Between the 11 of us, we should have plenty to say!



wow, the new post link was sure hard to find. -.-

for those of you who don't know- i have a 'new' bf as noted on fb. lol, yes, that white guy is my bf.

tomorrow's my last exam, and senioritis is really kicking in.. i really don't feel like studying for this last exam. it's the difference of probably a B or B+ or A. lol.

I am leaving for HK in exactly two weeks.. i have yet to pack...

feeling a little mellow - it sucks when your bf doesn't know how to do anything romantic unless you hint it. -.-;; lol. wat a complaint eh?

i'm so ungrateful. :X


can you hear it?

those are crickets


...chirp chirp chirp...