
How Much ...

Is Too Much?

Like, when do you know when to stop?

Seriously. When?

Don't worry guys, I'm not talking about drugs or anything like that. I just realized that I'm one of those OCD people that can never seem to let go.


Cold in NC

It's actually gotten pretty chilly in North Carolina, surprisingly. And the office is cold too. So I often find myself trying to keep warm by putting my hand near the laptop fan (it is not warm enough). Does anyone else do that? Or are you actually smart and put on a jacket or something?


Autobots ROLLOUT!

So no matter where I go, I seem to fall into the pattern of getting nicknames.

I hang out with a bunch of guys here and they picked our group name - Autobots. Yup, Transformers.

And guess who I ended up being?



LIVE: karen and I are currently on this UK site where an IT editor is blogging live about the new apple products at the convention. HAHA. nerdiest thing we've done in a while.